Roommate's GF hanging out when he's not or not cool?

drop a dump on her kitchen floor

  1. steal her keys
  2. hang out in her apartment
  3. Take dump in toilet reservoir
  4. ???profit

eh… My old roomates g/f used to hang out while he wasnt there. Never had a problem with it really. She was a super nice chick though and cooked/cleaned constantly… so there were more upsides than downsides

however, with more than 1 roomate, I can see how it could lead to problems.

Other roommate says shes threw a shit fit at the house all day and is giving him an ultimatum to move out or she’s leaving him. She’s a brat and she’ll give in, but LOL if he leaves her over it

why wouldn’t he leave her?

there are many more females out there that know their place

not vietnamese though :frowning:

she gives him a ton of money and buys him everything and waits on him. She just sucks with everyone else.

Right, forgot about the AOW factor. (all out war)

Is she hot? I have a plan to fix this…


no :frowning: already thought of that…

I should e-mail my old roommate this thread, so he could see how wrong he was even though he refuses to believe it.

She would be here when he wasn’t (not a huge deal to me), she cleaned HIS laundry and all of HIS dishes (not that I want her to do mine, but she never put forth an effort to clean the common areas), dirtied up the bathroom and never cleaned it, as well as deposited 1000’s of long black hair on the bathroom floor, and then thought it was okay to talk back to me when I asked them to clean and then call me an asshole. All the while not offering to pay anything when she stayed over here approx 27 days/nights out of the month.

We ended up having a huge shouting match over it, wouldn’t talk to me or return my calls to talk about it, so I asked him to move out. He hasn’t spoken a word to me in 6 months.

Good luck, depends on how good of a friend he actually is.

let me know if he leaves her. This sounds to good to be true. LOL

I will also add, that people that whine about a girlfriend not paying rent are fucking boners. What the fuck do you care. Its not a third bedroom you are now filling up. If she is eating the common food then yes, they should cover that proportionally, but why the fuck does someones girlfriend need to cover your cheap ass?

Tell her to gtfo or suck your cock. He isnt there to complain.

We have the same rule at my house (3 guys here) This also helps avoiding girls coming in and out at the same time, no chances of an overlap.

Well, he says he’s moving out 12/31…No shock there. We’ll see if he actually follows through with it

not cool!!!

You are the owner and knowing you he signed a lease and you prob but a loop hole in it to kick him out. Tell him once more and if it dosent stop tell him he has his 30 days to get the fuck out. Anyone I know joe?

this applies in virtually any situation with absolutely anyone at anytime for any reason…

hey, is that your phone ringing?