Roommate's GF hanging out when he's not or not cool?

So I’m now fighting with one of my roommates because I laid down the law that his gf can’t hang out in my house when he’s not there. (He rents from me) She’s annoying, dirties up the kitchen and bathroom and never cleans them, even though she’ll spend hours cleaning HIS room and doing HIS laundry only, she forgets to lock the door sometimes, and cooks weird asian food in my kitchen that smells bad. (She’s vietnamese) My other roommate hates her, and she has an apartment a mile away that she never uses. I told him he’s welcome to have her as his guest, but when he leaves, she does too, because she doesn’t live there or pay rent. Same policy applies to my GF and other roommate’s GF, but neither of them would do it anyway. He says that he rents the room, not by the person, and she should be able to stay in his room when he’s not there if she wants to, and threatened to move out. (Unlikely) Whatever.

Am I off base here? Thoughts?

Had the same problem before, we just said flat out she cant stay hahaha.I agree with you, she shouldnt be hanging out when hes not home especially if shes not helping to clean or anything.

so gray area… if the guy is on a month to month lease then let him change to your satisfaction or move out… otherwise you need to deal with it until the lease is up… if she didn’t have her own place then I would make her pay also.

Well two things come to mind…if you are the big boss why cant your gf be there when you arent you call the shots they dont…although i see where you are coming from.

if the problem is shes a slob in the rest of the place come to a happy medium and use his logic against him. he rents the room so she can stay in his room she cant use the bathroom or use the kitchen etc his room only no where else when he isnt there. then everyone wins of course this will most likely irritate her and she wont stay there when he isnt there…or just tell her to stop being a slob, but i get the feeling that wont work

Maybe if she was hot and not annoying it would alright.

  1. Find her cell phone
  2. While shes not looking wipe the mic in your ass crack
  3. Put it back
  4. Call her

nope. If he isnt there, any guests need to not be there either. I dont care if he trusts her, you have no reason to believe she is anything but a crazy whore who will sell all your shit for coke.

had to deal with this as well.

Fine, if he rents the room she can stay IN THE ROOM. Using the kitchen, bathroom, hallways, living space, etc. are off limits as long as he isn’t there…


I see where he is coming from but at the same time he has to respect his land lord and their rules, regardless of how badly he disagrees!

Tell him he is more than welcome to move out, but he owes you the rest of the rent for the lease terms if he chooses to do so.

I see nothing wrong with telling him she can’t stay… If she isn’t on the lease and paying on the lease then oh well… She lives elsewhere.

Or fuck her… so they break up… and she never comes around again problem solved

If she cleaned, or helped out with bills, or bought stuff for the house, or something, I could maybe come to an agreement. She’ll buy stuff, but only for the 2 of them. She bought toilet paper and kept it locked in his closet. She brought her roll with her when we were out one day.

Lease is month to month. I make the rules. I say my gf won’t stay either because she would never do that and this way I’m being fair. I don’t want to bring up the argument that I’m giving unpreferential treatment because i don’t like her habits. I’m always nice/civil to her.

I wouldn’t hit it. The bedroom method would be pretty funny. My other roommate is home during the day until 4, so it would be pretty funny to have him play security guard at the bedroom door.

But I’m not cleaning any more 3 foot long asian hairs out of my tub drain in a house with 3 guys.

If she wasn’t making a mess, meh.

However, if she’s ALWAYS there, she should be chipping n on the utils.


If she stays in his room and keeps to her self I dont see it as an issue. If shes out using the entire apartment esp making it more dirty and an inconvenience to you and other people then it should be an issue.

Having roomates fucking sucks.

I LOVE living alone.

i did not read it all … but the OP … you are right with what you said…

and if he is a friend ou would want him to do the same to you

but i had the same issue happen and it ended up breaking up a friendship over a guy…( we had a girl roommate)


OR! Just be really creepy. Always check her out and stare at her. Lick your lips when the sees you.

she needs to pull her weight around the house.

  1. its your house…
  2. If she is a pain in the ass then tell her to go fuck off… I would never tolerate shit like leaving the door open and unlocked, leaving lights on, and buying toilet paper just for herself COME ON! thats ridiculous. I’m sure she would have no fucking problem using your TP when she runs out of her.

I would get absolutely pissed off.

had a similar situation before, me and a roomate rented a house, my GF moved in so we split the rent 3 ways. His girlfriend lived there without moving any furniture in, but did not pay rent.

fucking fail. fuck the dude because it is only going to stress you out and make you uncomfortable in YOUR OWN PLACE.

kick her the fuck out, fucking lazy pig.