why not just fuck her?
My theory on these kinds of situation is this: If she’s not paying rent/helping out/paying bills/etc. then she needs to get out.
I always tell my roommates that if their gf spends the night more than half of the month, she’s paying rent too. And none of that per room crap. It goes per person.
Just my $0.02
not into asian chicks. when he fucks her it sounds like a chinese restaurant at lunch hour.
Good to see I’m not alone here. Having roommates does suck at times, but living alone is too quiet for me and having $800 a month income from the house to pay all the bills and taxes is nice.
i love the privacy as well, but its unnecessarily expensive. I think I’m gonna start looking for a roomate.
since it’s month to month… make next month’s agreement different
plop a dead deer in her room
If she isn’t on the lease, make a paper trail and then call the cops when you ask her to leave. She is trespassing if she isn’t on any of the lease documents.
Or, you can videotape yourself verbally telling your tenant that she is not welcome when he is not there. If she fusses and says “He never said that” to the police, you can pull out the video evidence…
i asked to up the rent and i came home one day and all her shit was gone and there was a check for the old amt.
we are not mad at her that she left just the way she did it… shitty … still have not talked for 4 months now :gotme:
but really its not worth the strees if he is a true friend he will tell the bitch and make it work with you … or if he takes hoes b4 bros … he will leave
Kick that AOW out to the curb. Thats just disrespect.
My gf has that problem now with this dago who’s a complete slob
Nah. Then he’ll have deer parts in his fridge. Nobody wants that.
agreed. i rather live in a 2 bedroom that is big than a single.
living alone is so expensive.
I see a win win situation here. If he moves out, you can have control of the fridge magnets? :naughty: Except sausage factory.
I’d rather pay 700 a month to live alone than 350 a month to deal with someone else. Even a friend.
watch it asshole
$700 for TV, internet, and utilities? Where do you live if you dont mind me asking?
you’re right it DOES sound like he is talking about you.
ahahahahaa no
im not a slob, just spill shit on myself at work
and im not a DAGO.
shut up wop face
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