Roommate's GF hanging out when he's not or not cool?

:mamoru: opps

He comes in, doesn’t pick up shit, only cares about himself, leaves his half drank naddy ice’s everywhere, doesn’t clean, locks his room but will leave the apt unlocked…

Confronted him about it, and screamed at me loud as possible and tried to make himself sound like an angel. Like I had no place to tell him what the problem was.

I guess it’s not really a problem. He’s out in a month.

Lesson learned, don’t trust dirty, 2 faced, disrespectful sicilian’s.

Similar problem… Easiest solution is to just kick them out if they don’t respect the ground rules.

it’s 700 with gas and electric, i just got TV internet YESTERDAY so i guess that’s another 120 or so…

I live in parkside in an AWESOME apt with a 2 car garage.

LOL, i do not live at filmore/jefferson

newman lives on a curb? weird

This really depends on many things…

How good of friends are you with the roommate?
How long has the roommate and GF been dating?
How well do you know the GF?

I would be fine with her there but if you ask ANY request, she should abide by it (no cooking Asian food, clean this up when youre done, etc)

no the blue house… it comes up fine for me

would be awesome if a whole bunch of your haters showed up there to beat you up and they got raped by a scary person.

signed lease until June :frowning:

Smash that and tell him he should have just had her leave.

lol natty ice.

Funny part is, hes cheating on her with a girl who is cool as hell and wants to date him. Being my boy, I can’t tell her, but it would be awesome if this one accidentally found out and he ended up with the other one…


bang her, slap her, make her clean the apartment, kill her.

all in that order.

Here is my opinion: you’re a grown up, why the eff do you need roommates, esp. in Buffalo?

If she’s there as much as you say, and using the appliances, and not cleaning her shit up. Then fuck yeah tell her to GTFO. My g/f is only in my house when I’m not, if she’s sleeping after I’ve left for work. Other than that, she leaves because she doesn’t want to impose.

Basically, up his share of utilities to make up for two people until he tells her to stop fucking shit up.

I have roommates for a few reasons. Between homeowners, NYS taxes, gas, electric, satellite, phone, and internet, its like $1200 a month. I could afford that, but I’d rather live for free and keep saving to buy rental property.

Plus, I’m in an old person neighborhood in Snyder and my chick plays 2 college sports. I’d be really bored most of the time.

The utilities thing is a bit tricky because I charge one price and pay them all myself. It would be flat out charging her rent for her share of them. She is nice to me for the most part, but super bratty, she’d say nothing to me and then bitch at him to move out. I’m trying to navigate this situation without losing a drinking buddy.

yea thats my primary reason for having a roommate… so i have something to do.

Pics of all the girls in question.

I think pics would settle the debate.

wow i guess everyone has their own opinion on this

i guess i fit into the “roommate” situation as my gf stays with me everynight and is here when im not, she also has her own apartment less than a block away that she never stays at unless my roommate wants to have a party and we dont want to be around

he has not complained about it at all though, when we cook dinner he is always invited and we rarely ask him to pitch in

i think my gf is a cool chick and havent heard one of my friends complain, she cleans up, does dishes (probably more than me) but ive never lived with a girl and dont wanna take that next “step” and have her move in so im weird and stuck in this situation where she basically lives with me but doesn’t lol

and my roommate reads this forum so maybe we can get his opinion if im that “roommate”

I can understand the touchy situation. Maybe just sit them down, and be the landlord for a few minutes, not the friend. Be professional about it so that they at least respect that you are coming to them to talk about it instead of just talking when they aren’t around.

Word, living by yourself is nice for certain reasons but can get boring fast.

there is only 1 option here. bang her