ever want to stab your house mate?

so i moved into a house in toronto the first week of september, the house is split into 2. A basement apartment, and the mainfloor/upstairs.

2 seperate “houses” connected by a door inside. The door was innitaly screw shut, but due to fire/building codes etc, i unscewed it, also becasue the guy that later moved intot he basement and i got along.

so lately i’ll wake up in the morning and find my dishes done, or food missing and i know the only other person who lives in the upstairs house was sleeping. Turns out buddy gets up and gets board rummages thru my fridge, drinks my beer and then deicides he’ll help out and do a horible job at my dishes(i have to redo them all)

So for the past week, i haven’t been able to sleep or i wake up in the middle of the night and the idiot is camped out upstairs watching dvd’s on my xbox…WELL i go to use it today and it’s fucking broken! The guy doesn’t get it, this isn’t his part of the house, stay out while i’m sleeping.

So i’m sleeping tonight, about 20minutes before i write this i hear all sorts of noise comming from my kitchen, bottles banging and stuff…my beer cases are by the back door, which i relize i left unlocked. So i bolt down the stairs ready to kick the shit out of somone. And it’s FUCK HEAD! “taking out my garbage” It’s 3am! wtf are you doing!

i’m about ready to snap, i mean, he’s a nice guy and all, but he just doessn’t get it. And everytime i bring it up he calls me grumpy…WTF am i supposed to do about this?

end rant.

don’t freak out man. you lose all credibility when you lose your cool. just explain to him that he’s invading your space and you’re not comfortable with it. politely insist he not do the things that bother you, which you will list for him. dealing with people like that can be a bit tricky, but i’m sure you’ll manage.

what’s done is done. don’t bitch at him for the shit he did. instead, give him an idea of what not to do in the future.

remember, friendly chat, not military interrogation. :wink:
let me know if that was of any help to you. if not, i can suggest a couple of other things you could try.

it sounds like you two need a divorce…or at least some time appart

knock him the FU@K OUT everytime he calls you grumpy and see if he learns his lesson or not

what would bernie mack do?