Expected Noise Level From Neighbors

I just moved out of my parents house into a really nice luxury loft in downtown buffalo. Im 23 and my gf is 22, The majority of the complex is made up of 30 somethings but my neighbors on one side are also some 20 something college students (one is a long island girl and the other is some wigger kid) anyways, during the day and night usually once a day they start having sex… and the girl is REALLY loud like i can hear her clear as day in my apartment and a little bit outside her apartment. at first it was funny, but day after day its gotten annoying. Its gotten to the point that when i have people over im just hoping it doesnt happen again because its kinda akward.

and i dont know what i would do if it happened when my parents of my gfs parents were visiting

a week ago i banged on the wall when they were doing it and they quieted down a littl bit, and i hadnt heard from them all this week, but today ~10 am they started going at it again with my gf home alone who called me at work to ask me what she should do. and she just turned up her music to compensate…

we are always very considerate of noise levels in my apt, and i didnt bring a surround sound to the apt because of this

anyways, what should i do here, should i complain to the landlord? or leave the neighbor a note?

BTW, its so loud that you would think you are in the same room as them, its that clear

Got some thin walls huh, yeah I would drop a line to your landlord… Something along the lines that you pay enough money to live there and not deal with that crap.

fuck your gf louder

invite people over and have fun when they do that, humiliation is one hell of a teacher


Sounds like they are having a good time…ask to join? lol. Seriously though. It would be kinda awkward, but talk to them and tell them to keep it down or you’re going to file a noise ordinance against them. Its that simple. You pay to live there and have the right to a quiet living environment.

buy a house…problem solved.

i dont think its the walls… i think its where the exposed girders go through the walls… there are gaps around the drywall inside the girder and i think the noise goes throughthere, so i bought some accousttical sealant to plug em all up, but i will probably send the landlord a nicely worded email and if that doesnt work i guess the next step is leaving a note on their door telling them to STFU

yea, thats on the list but i gotta get a ring for the GF first

only manly solution. lol

i say just talk to the landlord and he’ll say something to them. that way its not competely awkward. are you the only neighbors that here them?

tehre is anothe neighbor on the other side, but ive never met those people otherwise i would ask why they havnt said anything

leave a note on the door…not signed… ?

Pics of the broad first. then if they ever pull this shit late at night call the cops and tell them you hear a fight next door and you’re sure it isnt the TV. Watch the hilarity ensue.

wrong order there big guy

buy the house first… in your name, and then get her a ring (and a prenup)

:word: way to put the cart before the horse

Job -> House -> 401k -> IRA -> Portfolio -> Wife

pics please

Know their names? Have people over, start drinking, then start yelling shit at them.

“Louder Stephanie!”
“Fuck her in the ass Jeremy!”
“Jeremy, cum in Stephanie’s eye!”
“Stephanie you bad girl!”
“Stephanie, have you ever tried skiing airtight? Because I’ve got 4 more guys here ready to go!”

Or whatever the fuck their names are. You may have to do this once a month or so, but hey it’s fun!

i was going to suggest calling the plays, but i was too late.


no doubt… start chants and shit like at the sabres games

they’re not gonna shut up no matter what you do. It’s not like the guy is going to stop fucking his g/f just because the neighbor is complaining. Talk to the landlord and see if he’ll reimburse you the cost of that acoustical stuff. Then next time they’re making noise, record it, and play it back at them through your stereo. Or throw a nyspeed party and we can all cheer through the walls and yell out positions they should try.