Say something myself vs. Call the cops

I’m not sure how to handle this situation. The people next door to me keep littering in my yard/driveway. It’s a duplex, so I’m not exactly sure which apartment it is. They’re both obnoxious and always have a ton of people over, hanging out on their front and back porch.

The other night, someone was trying to play basketball with beer bottles. They were aiming for the net that’s attached to my garage. Of course this resulted in tons of glass all over the driveway.

Also, every time they have a cookout, they throw their chicken bones in my back yard. So now I have to go outside and check for bones before my let my dog out. I should not have to do this.

I don’t want to go over there and yell at them. I would, because I’m good at being a bitch… but I don’t want to know what they would do to me. What if I blame the wrong people? Which, I’m pretty sure it’s the friends, and not even the people who live there. But I also don’t want to call the cops and have enemies.

I’m worried that they’d take it out on my car, and/or break into my apartment.

I also have sketchy dudes ask my boyfriend and I about our dog all the time. He’s a 5 month old Rottweiler. I honestly fear that they’d steal him.

My lease is up in December, but I don’t think I can deal with this much longer. What would be my best option?

Should I write a note perhaps? I know they’d probably just laugh at it. Should I knock on their door when no one’s on the front porch? Ugh. Should I let it go, and keep an eye out for things? FUCK.

I hate trashy people.

Cops, let them write the note…it will likely be a summons.

Can it be anonymous? Maybe they’ll think it’s the downstairs apartment?


I would definitely confront whoever lives there, saying when they have people over that you don’t appreciate the wreckless action and how they seem not to care about other’s property and belongings.

ps: I would never do this myself and take no responsibility for any further damage upon you or your property.

ummm landlord?

My landlord sucks. He’s never around, and doesn’t give a shit. I mean, he’s nice and everything, but he does nothing to upkeep the house. He mows the lawn and that’s it. And the only reason he mows it is to keep the city off his ass.

what about the lanlord of the house next to you causing the problems i think thats what SPDboy was talking about

Ooooh. How do I find out who the landlord is?

Party at Dawns?


move away

Nyspeed party + fbods + disturbed = many massive heaters in street/ on their lawn.


+1. Start saving pennies, and looking for a new place.

I was thinking the same thing. throw a party at the same time that they do. and every time you see someone throw a chicken wing or beer bottle on your property, throw a bowling ball at them.

move out of your ghetto neighborhood

the beer bottle basketball sounds like something the cops would get involved in

next time they do it call the cops


Move, god your poor.

haha yes!

pre-party party at a bowling alley ? lol