Say something myself vs. Call the cops

it is because you are a whore


You can’t even insult me with proper English! Why am I poor? Because my neighbors are dirt bags?

burnout would work but IT IS HER LAWN TO


If you live in or close to a duplex you are indeed very very poor.

Well, yeah. I guess I’m fucking poor then. I’m a 19 year old girl with my own apartment who’s in college. Suck my fucking twat.



Friend of mine had a problem with noisy neighbors. Same deal, loud parties that started at 2am, and in general just being miserable fucks. Cops were more than happy to help and gave her lots of advice.

Also, advice from a lawyer friend, should something happen (need to break the lease, they rob you, etc). Its much easier to get a judge on your side when there have been a history of complaints to the police about the douchbaggery.

cops, definately, the glass and chicken bones , make sure if there is glass that you take pics of this, and the bones save and give it to them as well. Evidence . But its why they are paid the more then likely have seen this a million times before and will just scare the crap outta them

Call the cops.

Don’t bother talking to them because if they are dumb enough to throw bottles at your house then they won’t listen to you anyway.

Calling the cops will result in them doing shit to you in order to retaliate.

Confront them, with authority, but be nice to them. That way, you show them that you aren’t afraid to come over there and talk to them and tell them what they are doing wrong. Don’t just go over and bitch, but find a good way to have a thorough conversation about what the issues are.

If you don’t show them your face, and tell them personally, then they won’t show they’re faces when they fuck with your shit even more.

I Just LOL at work at that one…

oh’ and call the cops


Why resort to the cops right away? You do have to continue living next to them and that will create alot of tension.

Talk to them first. If they are unresponsive to that, THEN call the cops.

throw all that broken glass and chicken bones on hillbilly lawn

Yes… because her neighbors are dirtbags and violate courteous neighborly things she should have to adapt her living situation.

Just talk to them and if they dont listen/change then just tell them you are going to call the cops and then eventually call the cops.

But if you call the cops, play your cards wisely! Like if they have a party and you know they have underage people over, call the cops then and ect.

I know all this because I am one of those bad neighbors and that has happened to me a few times. Not me personally but people I invite over.

that makes lots of sense. i know tons of people who live by duplexes and they’re not poor at all.

i would say something nice, then if not resolved get the police involved.

Ohh and slumlords suck, id move.

you are such a retard, yeah the duplex i lived in when in fairport was trash lol

you really have no clue do ya.