Say something myself vs. Call the cops


how come you dont just do it to them?!?!?!?! throw your garbage and shit in their yard. fuck go take a shit on their porch, let your dog shit all over their yard so when they party they step/fall in it?

why would she sink to that level?

If you talk to them, don’t be confrontational - say you’re don’t know if it is them and that you like to party as well and blame the people they invite, ask them if they can do something about that. tell them your dog is eating chicken bones and glass, and ask them if they can “help you” by not letting their guests throw shit into your yard. If that doesn’t work or they act like ass- call the cops. if they retaliate - get a restraining order so they can’t even walk into their own apartment.

edit: Oh, and you should be able to figure out who the landlord is by contacting the town/city/village hall.

So I saw one guy sitting on the porch today and said something.

“Hey, do you know who was playing beer bottle basketball?”

“Nah. It wasn’t me. I don’t know who it was. Was it cans?”

“Nah it was bottles. There’s glass all over my driveway and I really don’t want to step in it. I don’t want my dog get cut. I was just wondering.”

And then I started giggling cuz I was nervous and he said

“I’ll sweep all the glass up for you for $5.”

“Man, I’m friggin poor. I don’t even have $5.”

“I bet that Rottweiler was worth a lot.”

“Yeah, but he’s not for sale, silly!”

And I walked away.

Yea your dogs gonna get jacked…better start getting the dog set on kill…

srsly. if you need to be in that area move to ferdonia.

Train dog to bark at neighbors.

Duct tape semi auto shotgun to rottwieler.

Somehow rig it to fire every time he barks.

Let dog out with 8 shells of double buck.
