What to do about noisy neighbors...

Does anyone have experience dealing with noisy neighbors that refuse to quiet down?

These are people who live downstairs from us in a N.Buffalo Double, and regularly have parties, play loud music and are generally obnoxious as fuck.

They refuse to respond to requests to keep it down and feel they are entitled to do this. Only a couple times has it been loud enough to bother the neighbors to either side of us (families), but we get to hear it all of the time.

Any ideas? Quiet hour in our lease (and according to the city of buffalo) is 11pm.

Landlords don’t really feel like dealing with it, and I am about to resort to calling the police each time it happens, but was wondering if anyone else has experience with this.


Stop acting like a old grumpy man? :slight_smile:

get off my lawn?

Fuck em, call the cops

get a big dog
have louder parties during the week
have loud sex right above their rooms late at night
or just start dropping shit on the floor when it seems like they are sleeping

Practice drums at 6 am.

Tell the landlord that unless they address the situation your going to break lease.

If that doesn’t work, call the cops. Good luck with calling the cops in Buffalo though. You’ll probably get a better reaction if you tell them you heard gun shots.

unless your landlord is a complete scumbag, all you should have to do is tell him/her that you will be calling the cops every single time they break the noise ordinance. your landlord would probably rather deal with the tenants once or twice than the cops several times a week.


Stop acting like a old grumpy man? :slight_smile:


I am very reasonable person… a party once in awhile when I am notified in advance is ok. I do not live in college housing, I do not live in dorms. I live in a family neighborhood where everyone else on the street manages to be quiet.

I am working often in the evening (in my home office), and my girlfriend works early in the morning on weekends all the time. There are hundreds of bars in the city of buffalo and no reason to be unreasonably loud.

I lived in Poopra’s house with 3 other guys for several years with no noise problems, and 4 apartments before that, and I have NEVER had a complaint about another tenant, so I know it is not me.

I am beginning to think that Police are the best option.

make the walls bleed

Sounds like you might be moving again soon, sucks


get a big dog
have louder parties during the week
have loud sex right above their rooms late at night
or just start dropping shit on the floor when it seems like they are sleeping



Go to the pet store and get a few dozen mice. Watch how fast that place clears out.

I am in your exact situation. North Buffalo upper with 3 college girls living downstairs. I have to be up for work at 5AM everyday so I go to bed early. I just call the cops everytime they decide to throw parties on random Tuesday nights and they’ve showed up everytime I’ve called them and the girls quieted down. After I informed my landlord of me bringing the cops into it, he told the girls that one more occurance of them making a disturbance and they’re kicked out. I haven’t heard anything down there since.

Oh and before anyone goes suggesting anything about the girls, all three are fat and busted. :frowning:

buy a case of beer and make friends with downstairs people and try to explain the situation and perhaps that might work? or just call the cops.

Cal the cops on their disrespectful asses. They will learn quickly.

PM me man…i think i’m one of the people going to the parties. No Lie…i believe your talking about my friend. PM an address and i’ll let you know.

i had horrible neighbors for years

Cops will handle it. Buffalo cops have better things to do then deal with dumbasses so they will get annoyed and explain that fact accordingly.

same situation where i am at. exept its a side by side and the bitch next door is in her 50s but she has a loud ass huge dog that she refuses to keep from barking at 6am, and she snores like a chainsaw at night, and she plays her TV stupid loud cause she must be deaf or something. We said something to the landlord but they are in kahoots and she refuses to beleive us or do anything about it. So now we play loud music all day until 11pm and such. O and i stopped being nice by mowing her half of the yard


… O and i stopped being nice by mowing her half of the yard


ROFL, All I keep picturing is a front yard, half beautiful freshly mowed, nice flower garden, then the other half like a jungle.