What to do about noisy neighbors...

crying baby. problem solved.

my neighbors always leave there dog outside and it barks all day… so what do i do… burnouts in my driveway, play my stereo as loud as it goes (pictures fall of the wall)… and other small things…

deal with it or fight back

we have a simaler problom living across from caputies and devils on sherdian, if its a distubace that police should take care of it.


ROFL, All I keep picturing is a front yard, half beautiful freshly mowed, nice flower garden, then the other half like a jungle.


thats how my old house in amherst was


we have a simaler problom living across from caputies and devils on sherdian, if its a distubace that police should take care of it.


But you had to have known the bars were there when you moved in. His situation is a little different.

Make a crying baby/barking dog/loud sex/bad drum solo recording, get a good sound system, press play, leave for the whole day.

M80 down the water pipe, It will get down to there level and then blow.

Get a rubber mallet and hammer on the floor at 3AM

Get a really good subwoofer and blast death metal with good double pedal action.

Block the driveway becuase your working on your car

i had this issue in one of my apts. in boston. i talked to them talked to the police then went down stairs into the utility room and shut off their power.


But you had to have known the bars were there when you moved in. His situation is a little different.


Ahhh yes indeed, i was stating that if you call the police that most times if the noise is out of control they will take care of it

Put really loud speakers on the floor face down when they are sleeping and give them a taste of their own medicine. Let them know that it’s like to have to deal with that bullshit.

just call the cops once and see how it goes

Well, we went down today and had a discussion with them, explained our concerns and they seemed to come around some. We’ll see how it goes.

Next time, the cops will be called.

You could piss in their furnace , that way all the smell is rotting piss.
or do the above in their washer.

But at least you talked to them , odds are neighbors forget and will do it again but definately dont back down on calling the cops.

i lived in my buddy’s house and our neighbor was a psycho bitch married to an old man who sat in his chair with the TV loud enough for you guys to hear in his underwear…

our solution:

  1. stand in the driveway
  2. stare at the bastards until they shut the god damn windows!!!
  3. have roomate rev his cbr1000rr with an erion pipe everytime he pulls back in the driveway as loud as he can
  4. follow above instructions with camaro ss
  5. repeat as necesary

Take a baseball bat to the front door. Break the door down.

ACT A FOOL up in dat beyatch.

Guarantee quiet hour will start at 8pm after that.

Buy a house. A double if you can’t swing a mortgage by yourself. At least that way you select the tenant and enforce quiet hour.

As a bonus you stop pissing money away. :tup:


Buy a house. A double if you can’t swing a mortgage by yourself. At least that way you select the tenant and enforce quiet hour.

As a bonus you stop pissing money away. :tup:


I’ll probably pick up a double one of these days, but I wouldnt call that a solution to my problem. I also wouldn’t jump to conclusions and say that I am pissing away money.

We can have that discussion elsewhere if you wish.

I’m sure everyone would agree; what sucks more then being kept awake, is being woken up. They’re night owls, you’re early birds. Make all the noise you can, crank up the stereo, bring a nephew over and let him chase the dog along the floor, and the best yet, start hanging up pictures or build a new table, right on your livingroom floor.


I’ll probably pick up a double one of these days, but I wouldnt call that a solution to my problem. I also wouldn’t jump to conclusions and say that I am pissing away money.

We can have that discussion elsewhere if you wish.


Your finances are none of my business and I was not trying to make them my business.

Just saying that buying is better than renting from both a financial and quality of life perspective. Maybe that is more of a long term solution than you were asking for.

Short term…

Check your rental agreement to be sure that there is something that could be interpereted as an agreement that tenants must abide by the city’s noise laws. Send your landlord a written complaint, citing this part of the contract, signature required upon delivery.

This shows that you mean business, and also puts you on the record as having asked him to address the issue with proof that he received your complaint.

You are now on record as having asked him to enforce the rules of the rental agreement and have your ass covered if you want to try more drastic motivators like stopping rent payment or terminating your lease early and moving.