Annoying neighbors?

I have my landlord working in the office downstairs which isn’t that bad because he’s only there 3 days a week until 5. My next door neighbor is quiet as a mouse except for the occasional wild pictionary game with her youth group. The two places across the hall are psychiatrist offices but they have only been there about 5 times.

My upstairs neighbor however, has a regulation racquetball court in his “penthouse.” it sounds like the world is coming to an end when he and his male friends go up there to play.

Any similar stories?

my neighbors must hate me, in packing, ive been finding a ton of old fireworks, which i felt the need to set off…

alllllll day since i’ve been home.

I’m sorry, you are welcome to come play on the court anytime you want to.

There is a full bar up here too.

not really just people who park like assholes

and a next door neighbor who knows everything about anything who has 3 teeth

also, i sometimes hear the occasional flute or drums. i find it soothing

my upstair neighbor has raging coke parties until 6am. Kind of entertaining hearing them argue about why the sky is blue

my neighbors are assholes, very stand off-ish

the dude has a snowmobile which he rides around his yard (he has maybe an acre) in fucking circles for hours (we live in the village), the kicker is theres miles and miles of trails right behind his back yard. I work afternoon shift and often sleep in so I dont enjoy listening to it all morning.

I think the cheap ass is just too lazy or poor to register and insure it.
Maybe when I get the camaro out this spring I shouldnt bother getting plates and just drive it up and down my driveway for hours on end…

oh and when I get home from work around 11pm I always see his silhouette behind his drawn blinds staring out at me with his arms crossed like me pulling into my driveway aggravates him or something

I think I should break his jaw for him

lol at tpgsr. well played.

Blackout where do you live? racquetball in an apt? where?

Steal a bunch of bowling balls from a local alley… and in the middle of the night hide them in the snow around his yard. You’ll know when he hits one :slight_smile:

hahaha nice

hahahahahahhahahha thats an awesome idea

Village of Lancaster. On Central near Broadway.

He has the regulation racquetball court(wood floor, full glass front etc), 6-8person hot tub, full bar/kitchen thing, huge disco ball, loft, full length deck, and probably a bunch of other cool shit I haven’t seen.

My apartment is about 1000 square feet, my next door neighbors is about 500-600, offices across the hall are about 1600 total, and his apartment takes up the entire 3rd floor. plus he has the loft in there for more space.

Yeah thats another thing… at least offer to have me over sometime… I’ll decline but at least offer.

I JUST DID! Come up tonight, you can have one of the two ladies that I have here, granted I am keeping the hot one but her friend is not too bad.

He doesn’t have “ladies” up there… only men. I have never seen a woman come or go from up there

during the summer the people next door to us cut their grass @5 everyday and that is my dinner time talk about annoying