Dealing with noisy neighbors?

I really might lose it if my neighbor downstairs doesn’t learn to turn down her TV; and the one upstairs if she doesn’t learn to walk instead of stomp up/down the stairs or through her house, and quit slamming doors.

Any of you guys have similar situations going on? How do you not lose it on them, or how did you deal with it?

I moved back to ny.

You’ve got two options. Approach them like an adult and express your concerns. Or be passive aggressive and/or childish about it.

I personally would go for “express my concerns like an adult”, and failing that, know that your gave them a chance, and then resort to passive aggressive and childish measures, while still maintaining the moral high ground.

Yep, got one asshole that lives next door to us. Yells at everyone for slamming doors. Yet slams his and is constantly yelling at his wife and kid or stomping around until 12-1 am

Definitely not getting childish, but I’m torn over the more “mature” options - Do I tell the landlord? Since he specifically asks each tenant who moves in not to slam the doors / stomp on the stairs… Or, do I approach them myself and remind them politely of the rules first.

Put dog shit in front of their door and light it on fire. Works especially well when they aren’t home.

We have the same front door! :rofl

Punch them in the mouth

Well you should know better than to step on it…

Buy a house? Lol

This is what I almost did when my douchebag neighbor came down stairs after i walked outside to let the dog out and got in my face, my pregnant wife came over from the mailbox to ask what was going on and he proceeded to put his hand in her face and tell her “shut up men are talking.” But being the more mature one I walked away. I have never been so fucking mad in all my life at someone.


I would’ve beat the shit out of the guy if anyone ever put their hands on my wife. That is straight up the most disrespectful thing you could ever and the fact that you let him get away with doing it shows how much of a pushover you are.

Fuck. Maturity. He would have been eating from a straw.

Pushover??? not even fucking close. He didn’t touch my wife. he put his hand in front of her face probably a foot or so away. If he touched her I wouldn’t be here that’s for fucking sure. I can guarantee and mark my fucking words ANYONE ever touches my wife or my daughter they will never see the light of day unless its from their hospital bed.

Buy a house.

Welcome to apartment living. Fuck that.

I used to just call the cops and report noise multiple people and drug sales

Haha! That’s awesome

If I buy a house, it won’t be here. Ron’s method sounds good if they don’t comply with prior warning.

That might just fall within the lines of falsely reporting an incident, which is punishable by law. Be careful with that tactic.

Jeez, Paul - I was kidding.