help me get back at my neigbors

to make a long story short my neighbor was cool as hell. Just a single 30 or so year old. then she got this dipshit boyfriend who is an ass. Anyway her dog barks like crazy now, before she had common courtesy and would just shut the dog up. now its not the case, this is the second morning it woke me up and I am pretty pissed.

so i need away to get back at them, and no i am not hurting the dog. I already made a playlist of dogs barking to blare on my speakers. but other then that I am out of ideas.

need more ideas!

how about some really bad /gay music. Gospel or opera might work. stop by a farm and getbsome cow and pig shit and dump on there steps.throw some road kill under there bushes.

have a BBQ…

in the middle of the night…

put fart cans on all of your cars.

better yet, tow my exhaust-less suzuki over there and bang it off of the 8000+ RPM rev limiter until it pops.

whitey you want some cow shit come over and get it …

dog shit under car door handle!

I can come over and we can “remove the restrictor plate on the red dragon to give it some more horses”

they have a garage…

you could walk over to their house, knock on the door, and when the answer it say: “excuse me, your dog barking in the morning is extremely disturbing, I’d really appreciate it if you could do something about that.”

we have multiple times!

simple…do what billy madison would do…put a flaming bag of shit on the door…and then do what brian said…do shit undre the car door handle…

or best…freeze some shaving cream…then on a hot day put it in there car under the seat…then watch it blow up and then watch em try to clean that mess up( i think thats how u do it)

is that street legal???

damn, that sucks… trash is trash is trash, there’s no reasoning with them. call the cops, you’re lookin at a never ending feud :wtcslap: that sux

so are we talking about the MILF directly across from you? If I were you, I’d just fuck her proper, then tell her shes not getting any more dick until she shuts her dog up.

Superglue Nickels over her keyholes!!!


thats who we are talking about… she has this dip shit boyfriend that drives a tyburon

it is close to haloween i say egg the shit out of everything they own @ like 3 am one morning and then blame the neighbor kids

complain to the boro manager…
go above the police :slap: