Apartment noise RANT

This is not your typical “my neighbors are too loud” rant. I am posting this to see if any of you guys have any suggestions.Here is the synopsis.

Moved into a two bedroom FIRST floor apartment in may. The leasing agent showed us a second floor “model” and my gf fell in love with it so I thought how bad could it be but I was not very happy about it to say the least. IMMEDIATELY after we move in we find
The floor noise from the family of 5 Asian people above who speak no English, is relentless and astonishing.
Now this is not just footsteps on the floor. There is carpeting and the noise is the cracking and creaking you hear before floors collapse. The noise disrupts our sleeping in the middle of the.night and at 630am when they start stirring for the day. If I stand on our bed and place my hands on the ceiling, you can feel the ceiling deflect approximately a 1/4" with every footstep. They also have a special needs child who has. the worst tantrums with screeching and pounding where it is loud enough I have to turn up my home theater to hear the television.

Now I am not complaining about the child, I can have sympathy for that tough situation. But the.noise the floors emit is unacceptable and our leasing office basically tells us to.screw off.

Any suggestions?!

Sleep with a loud fan on?

I’m wondering if there is a way you can opt out of the lease agreement due to the conditions and find another place. Or are you trying to stay there?



move out, find a place where you dont live below someone? i would much rather pay $100/200 more a month to live in a quiet, private apartment. try to find one in the same building as a business next time, those can be rather cheap and nice. i lived in a carriage house once, that was really pricey but really nice and private

i would rather move back in with my parents than live in an apartment building imho

I never had a problem in my old apartment, but it was also really nice. I would at least touch base with the agent and let them know your thoughts and issues. You could always burn the place down.

We would be fine with moving but we are stuck in the lease till July. Sounds like breaking the lease is the next viable option!

Any carpenters or construction guys wanna chime in about the deflection in the floor joists? Acceptable tolerances or anything along those lines?

Drill a few holes in the ceiling…

Start smoking cigars…


It’ll drive them nuts.


haha you wouldn’t believe how applicable that movie is to my every day happenings at this apartment. We are pretty positive that they do not own a television so if they are home it sounds like they are celebrating chinese new year until the moment they go to sleep. Never do they sit down seemingly, just constant running and walking on their heels which then in turn makes the ceiling sound like it’s going to collapse.

Im having this same problem with a building that i OWN. I wrote about it in the homes section. I have gotten a bit more used to it but my 2 adult tenants seem to just walk back and forth all night.

Can I ask how much your rent is? I have had 5 apartments in 4 years all over Buffalo and one thing I have learned you get what you pay for on a bunch of different levels. If you live in a nicer complex, there is more rules to people follow and a different level of courtesy they have than the cheaper complexes.

There is some random things you deal with in a shared setting. My building is really soundproofed so I never hear conversations or music in other apartment but the people above me either weight 300lbs or walk heavy because you can hear them. The only other complaint is the showers creak because they were not padded properly so I can hear the people above me at night and I am sure below me hears me in the shower.

LMAO! Which is more derogatory…zipper head or egg roll? I don’t even get the zipper head reference, someone fill me in.

first problem - living in apartment complexes. cmon.

see if they have another open apt in the complex they will let you move to.

It all depends on the complex and the construction. My old west seneca apartment complex sucked. You can be in a bedroom and hear talking and even snoring through the walls. Mine now is solid and you can not hear any voices or TVs. Hell, my only complaint about it was the shower or pipes are creaking in the building and sometimes get loud. I just got an email saying they are looking to come in and take a look at the issue as other people in the building can hear it too so I may now have 0 complaints.

Get some jack post’s from Home Depot and a hydraulic jack from Harbor Freight.

Place the post’s throughout your rooms pushing up on the floor to create “speed humps” in “their” floor??
Maybe that will help with excessive traffic?

HAHAHAHAH that is pretty funny.

I can’t stop laughing their alot of funny shit in this thread! I’m starting to think that they are running their food joint business out of their apartment. Also how could they rent from the landlords if they don’t speak English? You could always call the police and say you have a noise complaint, or you could fight back and make noise in your apartment. My landlord lives below me in my apartment, he has rules about being quite cause he has two babies, he is the loudest fucking person I have ever met, not that it doesn’t really bother me but Jesus tapdancing Christ I can hear him fucking his gf at night. Double check your lease too about noise rules, ie: quiet time is after 10pm. If so fight it.

Believe it or not, that has already come up. Not for speed humps but to ensure the ceiling doesn’t collapse

Boxxa- where do you live now? we are in williamsville and want to stay in this area due to work.