apartment building drama

So i live in an apartment building on xxx road. Now me and the SUPER were good friends, i would help out with stuff on the complex. Well he moves out but is still the “SUPER”. I chose not to help out this week and now i get a notice on my door saying i have to move my bumper from the basement and park in the designated spot. Prior to this he said i could park right in front of the door no problem at all. He didnt care about my bumper either. Now in the basement they have an old rusted hot water tank and a broken fridge which dont belong there. They have somebody mattress and belongings that bounced on their lease down there. WTF?? How would you guys handle this problem. O and my lease still isnt up until feb… I HATE apt. buildings and people around me!!!

P.s~ I did comply with the note they left and moved my cars and my bumper…:smiley:


torch the building :tup:

what’s a SUPER? i LIKE how you CAPITALIZE certain words. it really HELPS get emphasis across WHEN you are talking to US.

SUPER = black dude AKA poor owner of building

Im guessing because of the movie with Joe Pesi


makes sense.

makes more sense.

no, im just stressing that he is that guy. (not black either)

What are the laws on leases and how to break them.
Im not a scumbag either, Its just that the owner is a total d-bag. She treats everyone like a kid around here. Ive never been late on rent or my bills to be treated like that. When we moved in she tried tellings us we can only have 1 friend over at a time. This isnt a party house. There will not be people in and out at all hours of the night. Do not be loud.

First try writing coherent paragraphs, then you can go about improving your life… i read your crap 2-3x and u just sound like your bitching… nothing we can do… go post a myspace comment or something


  1. If your super moves out, chances are bad things are going to happen. There usually is a reason why he does not want to live there anymore.

  2. Does your lease say you get any storage anywhere? If not then he was doing you a favor and decided not to anymore becuase you upset him somehow.

  3. Parking requirements again fall under your lease and their policies. If its stated and you are now forced to follow the rules, chances are something happened or he doesn’t like you.

  4. The other stuff in the basement you say is someone who defaulted on the lease that the complex is holding on to to recoup the money owed or eventually sell. How do you compare this to a random bumper of yours in the basement?

Basically, you are just now being forced to follow the rules. When looking for apartments, you need to walk around and see more than just the room. There is quite a few complexes I found that had awesome looking rooms but the quality of people was just bad and would be a problem. Best thing to do is cruise by at night to owhen you look in the future since that is when most people are home. You unfortunately are stuck there unless you talk to the main office and have people willing to move in, sometimes they let you out a bit early as long as your apartment is vacant.

THIS sounds like a really shitty situation. So obviously I could understand why you would make a THREAD about it. Why IS it that they won’t let people get away with anything they want. That sounds really GAY.

(Not very subliminal):biglaugh:

shit all over the walls and leave

could also tighten all the light bulbs and then break them, have a water leak in the bathroom, or juice the carpet.


Dude, that is nothing. I’ve had some of the worst apartment life stories in my 2 years in Buffalo…

well this is my first apartment so i guess life lesson is learned here today…

Move back to mommy’s basement, problem solved.

im prob shouldnt have left there lol. Cheap too… But who wants to live in there parents basement, Unless they are a total stoner lol haha

Shit it’s just moving a bumper, and your car. Not big deals, maybe something you can get back over a beer with the guy and then also to find out why he moved out.