Eviction lawyers?

Does anyone know a lawyer that does eviction proceedings relatively cheap?
I purchased a house from the City of Buffalo foreclosure auction in October. After waiting four months for the deed to be able to approach the nagger living there, she’s not paying up. So, if anyone knows of a lawyer that does evictions, I would like to get this bitch out of my home.

what do you mean “not paying up”? don’t you just need to boot her out?

ItOver is officially a slum lord, lol.

No. That makes too much sense for our society. This is what scares me about buying rental property…the tenants seem to have more rights than the owner sometimes.
You should be able to throw a deadbeat out on the spot but then their feelings may be hurt. 8/

foreclosed house with an existing tenant / lease. You don’t just get to up and change the locks on the doors and put their shit on the lawn on day one.

Well, she has rights as a cuntbag squatter, living rent-free in MY home. I gave her a 3 day eviction notice, so it can be taken to court now. As soon as I find a lawyer. Then, the judge will give her 72 hours to leave. After that, all her shit has to be put into storage for 30 days.
Basically, if you’re a scumbag and live in a home that gets foreclosed on, you get an additional 6 months rent free, with free water, taxes, garbage. Go America!
I wish it was like the 18th century and I could cook dinner for the bitch on my front lawn. lol

Hopefully you kept it somewhat civil, and even then who knows what you’ll step into. One of my ex’s father rented places and when eviction was needed they would sometimes flush diapers and stuff down the plumbing…basically trash as much as possible to get even. Because how dare a property owner evict for not paying…right?

Lol. Yeah, I’m keeping it civil. I just wish I had control over who was in my house. She was already there when I purchased it… She most definitely would NOT be one of my choice tenants. I hope she doesn’t do anything to the house, or I’ll have a pizza party on my property. lol.

Racist much? Pretty shitty comments, no matter what the situation is. Keeping it civil, my ass. Comments like this make me sick.

You can’t turn off all the utilities?

Offer her $500 bucks to move out. It would be cheaper and most likely faster…

Fuck no you can’t do this. Especially in Buffalo in the winter time. He needs to hire an attorney ASAP to get her out of there legally.

you should burn a lower case “t” in her front yard that signifies “time to leave”

if that doesn’t work, people HATE ghosts, get a few of your buddies and dress up like ghosts, carrying torches so you can see at night, and scare her!


Lol. You clearly don’t know me. I’m only joking. I take shit WAY too far for shock factor.
I have lived on the East side of Buffalo my entire life…
But, think what you want from posts on an online forum :wink:

As far as keeping it civil goes: I started out helping the tenant, because the former owner was charging her rent while I owned the property and had no deed. So, I went out of my way to put steel doors and new locks/dead bolts on. Of course, I couldn’t collect rent during this time, but I figured it would help protect my investment.
Then, the paperwork comes in the mail and I go over to the house… It changes from her and her 4 kids to: her, her children, her brother, his children, her other brother, and some random guy.
So, basically I have a circus, living rent free in my house. If I wanted to give away free rent, it would be to people that actually couldn’t afford to live. Not someone that complains they don’t have money for rent, yet has a new computer with high speed internet, a 60"+ LED TV, and appliances rented from a rent-to-own store.
Yet, this entire village of people living here cannot afford rent? It seems to me if you were going through hard times, or if you honestly couldn’t afford rent: your cable, internet, phone would be the first things to get rid of…
Yet, I said none of this shit to her. I told her: “Oh, you were paying $750 a month before… How about I let you live for $550 a month until you get on your feet and you receive your tax-return?”
Oh, yeah… but for some reason with all of the people living there, and the check that she gets from her divorce monthly, along with child support, she claims to have had NO money saved over the 4 months she lived rent free… Oh, alright… So, I’m still not going to be an asshole and say “WTF were you doing with your money for the last 4 months?” Instead, I told her to forget about January’s rent, in an effort to help her out, and prevent myself from wasting time and money on an eviction.
So, February comes: No answer most of the time when I call. Once, I call, her daughter answers: So, I ask her “Is your mother home? This is the landlord” She says" Oh, alright… click"
So, I go to the property, knock… one of her brothers answer… I ask if she’s home… No, of course not. But, he claims that she will be home from work in 30 mins, okay. Tell him I’ll come in an hour. Come back, she’s still “not home” right? Okay, here’s your eviction notice… 3 days to pay or get out before it is taken to court.
She’s not home though, correct? 10 minutes later I receive a call from a law office, claiming they are her lawyer, and that “I can’t charge rent because it’s still February” That has what to do with the price of apples? Apparently, you don’t have to prepay for the month… So, she must be smoking crack!
Anyways, she doesn’t have money for rent, but she has money for a lawyer? I quoted some lawyers, and found not one less than $650 for eviction proceedings. A genius would say that it would be cheaper to pay the rent, than to go to court, have to pay for a lawyer, and back rent…

THIS. I would end up being sued by her, for 3x as much.

That’s great, the comments I quoted still suck, and I doubt very seriously it’s joking.

offer the lady 300 dollars to move out of the house in 30 days (so long as it is in “good condition”)…

If that doesn’t work then just evict her. Pay the 650 to a lawyer, you can write off all these expenses on your taxes at least.

Where the fuck is this property? I own a couple apartments, and have had minor problems but nothing like this bullshit…

It’s cool, we live in America. You can think what you want. lol.

Eh, I’m not offering her money to leave. I’m against that, because it’s like winning the scumbag lottery. If it goes to court, chances are my lawyer fees and some will be covered with the back rent.
The house is literally two minutes from DT Buffalo.

I hope they rip out all piping from your house and wipe shit on the walls.

Isn’t that called losing the landlord lotto? LOL