Eviction lawyers?

I see this ending badly when it comes time to evict because these sound like just the kind of scumbags who are going to trash the place completely before the cops finally drag them out. Hope you’ve got decent insurance on the place.

Seems like a scumbag owner and scumbag tenant. What could possibly go wrong? He better be prepared for easily 10k in repairs if they rip out the piping and everything. I have seen some houses with the pipes missing, water leaking all over the place, etc. Had to replace all the drywall, carpeting, and a ton of other stuff to get a certificate of occupancy.


See how PC you are describing scumbag squatters when it’s a house you own. Especially if the part about the big screen TV is true. People like that are the reason racism still exists, because they are the very definition of the racist stereotypes.

hahahahahahah <3

LOL @ sedlmeier101

I have Allstate =/
I got the place for a steal, seeing that it was a foreclosure auction. I just didn’t expect people to be living there…

FU, fggt. How the fuck am I a scumbag?

It is true, I have photos of the entire house from a few weeks ago.

I think that he was calling the deadbeat that had it foreclosed on a scumbag, not you.

BOOM, headshot!

This. People before you that didn’t pay bills and obviously had someone living there that didn’t pay either. I am sure they all have nice cars tho. Nothing pisses me off more is people who live in section 8 housing, using foodstamps to feed the 8 people in their house, but have a BMW 7 series or Range Rover in the driveway.

On a side note, has anyone seen the always sunny episode when the gang exploits the housing crisis?

Lol. That is why I was like JUAT? I thought he was overly sensitive like Black Forest guy.

THIS. The previous owner took her security deposit, was STILL trying to collect rent after I purchased the house, and refused to give any of it back. Which, is why I went out of my way to help her from the beginning, and I ended up fucked over anyhow.
Also, the gas and electric is in her name… She claims they are being turned off.
What does one do with their money, while living rent-free for 4+ months, and not have money fore necessities? People have backward priorities.

I live in the city… my sister was hit over the head with a metal pipe by two black guys and robbed last year in the city… and I continually see people delaying my coffee purchase in the morning to buy bread and milk with food stamps however have no problem payin cash for $80 in scratch off tickets. Im not at all sensitive and some people may say its racism but all I see is the same race that does this.

I have actually been debating running an eviction protection service to monitor houses that people are evicting people from to make they they don’t destroy it. Seems like it may be a fun business that people can pay you certain insurance and you protect the house during the process from it getting destroyed.

Racism, in this instance, exists because the a good percentage of the aforementioned race refuses to change and continues to believe they are beaten down like the days of slavery… Fuck that.

is it because they are black, or because they are poor? Do poor white people do the same thing?

Poor white people are just as bad. Although something like 8% of whites are poor and 30% of blacks are poor, so that’s the disparity. Technically he’s on target when he says a “good percentage of” but the reason why is debatable.

In Buffalo, 1 out of every 2 African Americans are unemployed. That’s huge.

But back on topic, ItsOver should hire Boxxa to guard his house, lol.

Totally. I feel that this may be a future business of mine. The average damages people can do is in the 10’s of thousands if they go into the walls and trash the place. I would just need to review some legal stuff and see if they are in fact the owners, can we protect the asset and detain people in some way.

… And then all you need is a reality show!

I know that this happens all the time, but today… I am actually physically upset by reading this. I put myself in the OP’s shoes and can not even imagine how pissed off and frustrated I would be if this was happening to me.

I’d want to go beat down the door with a baseball bat and start killing people… but I’d be forced to play Mr. Nice Guy in hopes that they aren’t going to destroy my newly purchased home!

I am just getting more and more frustrated just typing this. I am now at a loss for words…

Dude… I think we have a golden idea.

OP: When you find a lawyer, can you PM me. I feel like this may be something I am gonna go with. I can easily renew my NY security license. Will be interested to find out rights and some other things. I know some people who need some work during the days who I can easily hire too.

I’m pretty sure there is no way that business can be legal.
I feel SOMEWHAT safe that a police office is directly next-door to said property. Yet, I kind of doubt Buffalo Police would even care if they heard the house being demolished. lol

Yeah, I would love to take all of the doors off, and throw bricks through MY own windows.
It’s like purchasing a car, paying it off, paying the insurance, fuel costs, registration, and not being able to drive it or ride in it. I understand laws are put into place to protect people from being evicted unjustly. But, if you choose to not pay rent, the owner should take all your belongings and leave you out in the cold. Fuck handouts to people that aren’t deserving. The government does enough of that shit.

---------- Post added at 03:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:15 PM ----------

If I film this reality show, can I receive a discount on your services? lol
I’m filing this in court on monday, so hopefully somebody helps with a lawyer by then.

I feel like you have a right to protect your asset. I know you may not be able to throw them out but at least prevent them from doing anything damaging to the property.

This is intresting.