Eviction lawyers?

Edit: fucking double post.
I feel as though the only way you could do anything was by being inside the home. And, if you were in the home it would be trespassing…
So, it would be illegal.

You need to watch more south park

But don’t you OWN the house? Like what if you showed up and moved in? Lol.

I feel like its buying a car but having the sales guy drive it around and never give it to you.

he owns the house, but he also has a lease that he must honor with the tenant.

As a landlord I believe you have the right to inspect the property, but you can’t plop a security guard on the couch 24/7 to monitor the place.

You own the house and the property??

Why can’t we have a NYSpeed car meet on the front lawn???

I would think there is more rights in this case. If I started hacking the walls of my apartment now and taking metal pipe, would find it hard to believe that my landlord couldn’t do anything except start an eviction process.

He doesn’t have a lease with the tenant. He just bought a house that she was living in previously and can’t get her to outa there.

When you buy a rental property or home with a current tenant what exactly is your recourse? How long can they squat after you close on the property? I imagine it depends on the prior landlords contract with them as a tenant? I’m curious how this plays out and the best way to handle the situation. If they were paying that’s one thing…but squatters should be able to be booted ASAP if you ask me. Dumb laws protect scumbags. 8(

if she can produce a lease with the previous landlord shouldn’t he have to honor that (assuming she was paying rent).

As a renter myself, I’d be pretty pissed if the house I lived in went in to forclosure and I was being kicked out without a new place to go, but I’d do what any legit person would do, I’d talk to the new owner, and renegotiate the rent until I could find a new place.

It’s things like this that makes me dislike this country… if I don’t pay my bills, my shit will get shut off that day, but because this deadbeat doesn’t pay her bills, we feel “bad” for her, and people who actually give to society have to suffer… In this case, Itsover has to suffer because this deadbeat will sue if her “rights” are violated

That is my understanding. I think it’s on the original landlord to dissolve the contract prior to selling, otherwise the new owner must honor the contract. Kinda like when you buy a house with back taxes, they are paid by the new owner. Buying property with an existing contract doesn’t mean that contract is null and void I’d bet, even if we’re talking foreclosure. Of course she’s not paying and has nullified the contract herself in any event. Shitty part is OP has to go through legal process to evict.


I have the ability to force a 3 day eviction upon her, to pay my set rent, or get out. If I don’t receive payment (which I haven’t) I can take her to court. It will go to court within 12 days, the judge will then give her 72 hours to evacuate the premises or be removed, physically by police.

No, anything with the previous owner is null and void. It was a month-to-month lease.

Thank you, I attempted to negotiate and even save her a significant amount of money. A 4 bedroom, 1 bathroom single house, on a fenced in double lot: clearly it should go for more than $550. I attempted to help her save $200 a month, and she screwed me over.

False, the back taxes are not paid by the new owner. All taxes, water, garbage collection fees are zeroed, placed into the new owners name.
Also, I can’t sue for lawyer fees. If she would have signed my month-to-month lease and payed one month’s rent, I would have been able to.

Back taxes aren’t part of a foreclosure settlement? There is no tax lien in that situation? And can’t an investor buy the rights to the back taxes?
My understanding was that taxes link to the property. For example the lien is on the property, not the person foreclosed on. Isn’t that correct?

4 bedroom 1 bath for $550 a month…hell I’d consider moving for that. Generous offer on your part!

With the Buffalo auction, everything is wiped clean, you start brand new from the purchase date. The only set backs are: a) Someone may be living in the property. (This is kind of hush-hush when the city explains it.) b) you have to wait 8-12 weeks for your deed, and you’re not allowed to enter the premises until you receive the deed, or you may forfeit rights to the property. c) If anything happens to the property in the mean time, the city is not responsible. (But, some insurance companies will insure you in the mean time. So, it’s not that bad.)
It may be different with other cities, towns, etc. But, the city sells all properties auction style. They wipe everything clean, and sell the property in order to make the amount owed, or cover as close to it as possible.
So, it’s more of a back-tax and fees auction. Many of the homes are paid off already, and high amounts of taxes are owed, or the city takes rights to the property over the banks.

Good to know, thanks for the info. Maybe I should talk to you further. I’m very interested in these auctions and foreclosures.
Any info you’re cool with sharing would be awesome. How do you find the places etc… Is this your first shot at these or have you done it before?

This is my first attempt at renting out a property, and since I’m 21 and think I know the world, I was like “Oh, yeah… this will be easy”
But, I think I should have checked to make sure there weren’t people inside houses I placed a bid on.
The auction is in October, every year. There are about 6000 houses, some go for as little as $800. (Granted they need like $25,000 in work) The property list is created in like August. You can go down to city hall and grab a list for like $5-10. Go drive around the city, inspect the homes you want.
There are THOUSANDS of homes in the hood, if you want to be a slum lord. (JK) But, seriously, there are a ton of homes you could buy and section 8 approve for a few thousand… Get that Obama check on time every month.

well I have to say congrats on a rental at 21 that’s an accomplishment in it self on the down side I have been in two houses this year where they were evicted and they took all the copper, wire and metal from the house with the furnace, hot water tank and the air conditioning condensers outside, no joke they stole the alarm pad and ringer thing too. Funny thing is with houses less than 2 feet away on both sides no heard a thing. As for the 60" TV thing I worked in the pine harbor project apartments and they ALL have an x-box 360 and a huge TV. The worst part is you cant say anything to these people about anything or they WILL sue you and you WILL get fired. Only plus side is if you and when you find drugs you have to call the police, which happened so often unless the house was a shit hole and the guy was so cracked out you couldn’t work then we would report it. Being in the construction field I wouldn’t think Rent-a-Center and a buffalo cop would be lunch buddies with at a work site. Good luck with everything!

+1 on poor people having killer tv’s and entertainment. It is so frustrating to know that I pay for half the shit they own and the TV service I am there to provide them.
