extreme home makeover tonight(NOW!)

there airing the extreme home makeover tonight on channel 7 at 8pm. anyone else watching? should be interesting

Fuck that

Saints vs Vikings

im not a sports kinda guy lol besides racing if you call that a sport to watch. call it gay if you will but if its not a race im not that interested

im watching it on and off. but its being dvr’d for the GF

Ehh, who cares, this house will be foreclosed in 6 months anyways


the sad and funny part, it’s not even a joke… lol

having thousands of volunteers work on some crack heads house is a joke.
(and i dont mean the main family)
I had a few co-workers vol. their time and I was told that the owner was sittin on his porch doin nothin lookin high as a kite while they did his work.

wat a homo !

wasnt the owner a woman? and dont they send the family away while they are working on the house?

he meant when they worked on others people’s house in the neighborhood

i’d totally bang out ashanti for hours

o, well, the other people dont matter, they didnt have to help those people if they didnt want to.

Who wants to go looting?
Is Cool Runnings gonna be on after this?

Yeah the foreclosure thing wasn’t a joke unfortunately, these people don’t have the income to afford the higher property taxes and ultimately lose their home. Look at the cases of the other makeover homes.

Can you upload it? The GF missed it on account of we were at the bar watching the game :stuck_out_tongue:

haha cool runnings ftw:bigtup:

Her taxes wont really increase that much.
People forclose because their property ends up being reassessed on a house thats literally twice the size of the original. They barely made the house any bigger than the original in this case.

forclosure means that they cannot pay their loan.

She only paid 12k for the house…she probably paid cash

Tax debt on the other hand could happen. She has a legit job though, and seems like a hard working woman, so she should be alright.

She could re-finance the house though, which would essentially just be her taking out an equity based loan. That could get her into trouble.

A lot of ignorance in this thread.

that’s what they usually do. Some predatory lender comes along and waves cash in the poor person’s face that they could never get before and they end up signing their life away.