extreme home makeover tonight(NOW!)

Lets just hope that the producers warned her about this. She seems level-headed but obviously she’s not going to be a very money-savy person.

I was just pissed that Canisius gave all of the kids full scholarships, no strings attached. Who knows if they’ll even be qualified to go there. In my experience, most of the students who caused trouble were the ones there on free ride for minority status or financial need. I went there on scholarship because I got good grades and SAT scores, that means there will 4 less students like that that get them in the future. Hopefully they don’t waste them.

They seemed level-headed, but editing and giving away nice clothes/makeup can make anyone seem level-headed.

I still don’t know how I feel about the whole thing, I like that they helped the neighbors out. Didn’t expect them to go that far. I just hope that things work out in the end and/or that ABC does the right thing to help them succeed in the future.

Channel 7 spoke with the president of Canisius and he stipulated that they have to meet the requirements.

I’d be pissed if I had voluneetered and they made me go landscape the house next door or fix some busted ass front porch, rather than participating in the new house project.

If they couldn’t take care of the original house in the first place, I bet this house will look exactly like the old one in 5 years.

It was purchased in shambles, as a ‘fixer-upper’

It was only AFTER she purchased it that she found out it was on the demolition list for the city.

She spent ALL extra money on fixing the house


for those that download.
and I agree its a nice step, but greed ruins everything, it will only be time before there taken advantage of and lose the house

Yeah because volunteering your time and effort should only be used on a large scale publicized project.

Did you watch the show or read the many stories about this in the paper?

Sometimes people don’t deserve a hand out… as someone a few posts higher said, one of the home owners was a crack head. If I wouldn’t give them $1 on the street, why would I bother helping them in any other way when I’d rather help others in need who I feel deserve it more.

That was the point I was trying to make. Not that volunteering is useless, but some people deserve it more than others. Letting your house fall apart because you’re on crack doesn’t make me want to come ring your doorbell to replace your roof, paint your porch or fix your windows…

Which owner was on crack? This was a hard-working woman who came here from an EXTREMELY poor area of Jamaica, became a legal citizen, and emptied her bank account to buy a $12k house.

You know what she did with her 1st paycheck in the US? Bought sneakers for an entire Jamaican village. To me, she seemed FAR from selfish, and very devoted to giving her children everything she could.

Pretty sure she has a steady job as a nurse’s assistant as well.

All of her neighbors.

Also, I hate the selfish reason why people volunteered for this show. They just wanted to be on TV. I bet that 99% of those people will never volunteer for ANYTHING like that ever again, unless there is a chance their face will be on TV for 4 seconds.

Habitat for Humanity does projects like this on a small scale all of the time, but they stuggle to get volunteers. Hmmm, odd that thousands of people suddenly want to help, no?

The old man whose porch they fixed was a crackhead? What about the nice old lady who lived on the west side her whole life? What about the nice asian man who was doing charity work to help refuge chinese people in the area?

Undoubtedly, there are plenty of crackheads in the neighborhood, but the people they helped seemed really nice and really genuine.

They don’t show the crackheads. They show whatever will help them look better. They keep the ghetto trash off camera just like Abercrombie keeps the fat chicks in the back room.

lol yeah I get that

Actually when I was watching it and they were introducing the people, I cracked a joke about where they were finding the “non-crackheads” (I was a bit more offensive but don’t want an infraction).

They didn’t DIRECTLY fix up any crack head’s houses though. Just the houses around the crackheads.


I know I heard it was 60 projects getting completed all at once around the community.

Let’s count what we saw…

  1. Main house
  2. Community Garden
    3,4&5. the three interviewed neighbors.

That leaves us with wondering what project 6 through 60 were. Crackhead housing?


I don’t know

I suspect that there may have been multiple projects at each house though. A project can be anything. Painting a handrail could be a project. Trimming shrubs at one house could be a project.

Remember, they did this all in one week. How much could they possibly have done? They probably counted every little thing as a ‘project’ so that they could make it sound like they were doing more than they actually were.

The teenage kid who played football has a baller ass room

i actually like how the house is laid out like that

and they also brought to everyones attention of the highsecurity alarm system on the house too lol…

i thought it was a good show, they deserved it. over other people, who knows? But it was nice to see them go to jamaica and donate shoes to a lot of schools around the island