extreme home makeover tonight(NOW!)


This is who this woman works for. Clearly she dedicates her time to a worthy cause while supporting her family. I wouldnt exactly classify her as any of the stereotypical mentions that have been made

Meh, there are nicer buildings, architecurally, but that is pretty bad ass. I want to get a free house someday.


Don’t need to. It’s inevidable(sp?). Don’t get me wrong here, she/they probably deserved the home remodel. It’s nice the community got together and help them out. However, I can put glitter and a bow on dog shit, but at the end of the day, it’s still dog shit.

I know some contractors that worked for this project and are also from the area. The only person that was a known drug house wasn’t getting anything until she bitched to the city and then they tore her porch down and put a small stair case in.

If you didn’t watch the show the comment you are making is rediculous.

What they did for that family was give them an extra leg up. How can you be expected to take care of a money pit making low income. She was scammed on the house. I don’t see how this is her fault… again why they picked them to receive this.

I saw this - the woman definitely deserved that. I don’t think she will let her kids squander the educations, they were all pretty bright and studious and she came from nothing. Not Farnham nothing, nothing nothing. :stuck_out_tongue:

I never said it was her fault. It’s the environment it is in. I’m sure those houses were really pretty and great during the first couple years they were built. Then over time, poverty came to the neighborhood, houses were not taken care of, and then the whole neighborhood goes to hell. That’s great for her if she is able to keep up with the maintenance and such to keep it looking good.

did they go over why she thought a $12k house wouldnt need extensive repairs or rebuilding in the first place?

She knew it was a fixer-upper

She knew that she would have to spend time and money fixing it up, but it was BAD, REALLY BAD. She had no idea the house was marked for demolition either. Any day they could have come and bull-dosed the place, and she would have been that much worse off.

i didnt watch it so i dont know the full backstory other than what buffalonews.com covered, but it just seems like a woman that made a poor decision in purchasing a dirt-cheap fixer upper instead of saving more and buying a better property. and it ended up working out poorly for her.

were any of the kids challenged or injured or anything that they needed to remodel the house for? or was it just Home Makeover bailing out a woman that made a poor financial decision?

live on the streets and die
or buy a 12k house and try and support your family

how exactly do you save money? you need a place to live, she bought the only place she could afford

buy $12k shithole and risk it all, or rent for cheaper until i save up.


im not trying to say her and her family shouldve died in the gutter for her poor choices, but it just seems odd that they were chosen for the home makeover show. dont they usually do wounded soldiers or families that have been crippled by tradgedy?

she probably saved up for years before buying that place

definitely didn’t pull 12k out of her ass

The naysayers can just continue to be negative and keep bitching as communities go downhill. Or, maybe you can appreciate something like this being a catalyst to start a movement of positive thinking and revival of communities throughout the area.

I for one will be volunteering my time to do what I can.


If you want to revive the east and west sides demo them and ship everyone out Giuliani style. Other than that, :tif:

Do you ever contribute anything positive to life…

All I ever read out of you is

  1. I disrespect woman because XXX reason
  2. blah blah blah stocks my mad cash
  3. dude, bro, beer, lift, shots, jagermeister, grey goose.
