extreme home makeover tonight(NOW!)

Man, what a bro hater.

all the negative attitudes would turn positive if a white family in Amherst was chosen.

When they had the white family in Amherst on that wife swap show attitudes were 10x worse.


Yeah, … im going to have to go ahead and disagree with you there…

+1 for disagree

That’s why it’s a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” kind of act

haha, I actually read it as if he was saying it. lol

I watched that movie the other day. lol. So good. :tup:

I’m a hater, but shit you guys are nuts.

No kidding.

I’m amazed at how serious everyone is about this. Do you people really think this event did more harm than good?

This is streaming on hulu.com now for anyone interested. I could barely stomach most of the show, I fast forwarded through most of it, but got the important parts down.

I had no idea that they totally demolished the old house and rebuilt a new one in its place. I thought it was a house makeover, not new house. I suppose with a 100 year old piece of shit it was actually easier to start from square 1.

Has anybody driven by the house and checked it out?

If you look at the history of this TV show, most of the time the winners usually end up losing the house because of bad choices. I think thats why they gave the kids the free ride to college, so that MAYBE they can graduate and get a decent job to pay the taxes/utilities on the house.

If you look at the property on zillow, it was reported sold for $7000 in 2005, so the lady must have not known what she was signing, and she paid the seller an extra 5 grand.

What I don’t understand is that she didn’t have to live in a house like that. She could have came here, and gotten public assistance. She could have moved into any Section 8 house in the area, and paid nothing but had a livable place for her and her family.

Meh, Buffalo is still ghetto as shit. I can’t wait to move out of the area.

You must not have read the thread

Negative, then instead of bitching because she got a free house that NOBODY on this board had to pay for, we’d be bitching because our taxes are supporting her.

I wish this mentality would go away and more people were like her…working her ass off to make it. Instead of just Section 8’ing her ass up at the first chance.


You think someone with pride actually wants to live off of welfare and live in the projects?
id much rather live in a dump in the ghetto than take advantage of shit and be a lazy fuck

I just watched the episode here. Not many commercials either:


At first I was pretty against the Home makeover. Are there more deserving people for this? Probably. But after watching the episode, she really did come from poverty, worked her ass off to shelter her kids the best she could, and then try and help people who are too lazy to keep up their property. All those houses could look really nice with some work put into them. I wish more people gave a shit about their house and neighborhood.

Yeah def.


I don’t usually get a chance to say this but…
I agree 100% with you on this!!!

I wonder how much of my bad attitude and limiting beliefs I used to have came from my surroundings and all the haters around here in WNY. I get it…we’re mad cause the bills suck and the sabres can’t ever win the big show but shit guys WTF.

I mocked some parts of the show but really I thought it was awesome how they attempted to better the COMMUNITY! I would have been very turned off if they just built her a mansion in the middle of squalor. I thought they did a very inspiring thing.

During the show I kept thinking… Wow a deserving family from buffalo is not even from buffalo. The lady seemed genuine and for someone so poor, her kids seemed well fed so she was not totally failing.

All it did was add to my perception of a lazy AMERICAN lower class.

Adam, Buffalo is the Section 8 and welfare capital of the world.

I wish we would elect a political party that would cut people off that are clearly abusing the program, but I can’t see that happening in this state.