So recently we had a middle aged couple move into our neighborhood. Until recently they have been fine. But last night I had friends over drinking just bulshitting on my porch really not to loud. So this morning that neighbor knocks on my door. And claims that we kept him up to 3am funny I went to bed at 1am so I just agree with him and send him on his way.
So lets get to the good part I live in a valley I have lived here for most of my life. We have always shot small guns (.22) nothing major just some targets and the occasional rabbit or ground hog. So tonight after dispatching a ground hog I hear a knock on the door. Big surprise its the Cops it doesnt really bother me I know most of the cops. My neighbor had me cited for disorderly conduct because I fired a .22 caliber rifle in a so called residential neighborhood. So now I get to go to court for this bulshit. There was nothing behind the animal but a hillside and a densely wooded area so the missed shot would have buried into the ground. Completely thought out prior to pulling the trigger.
It just pisses me off that people are such assholes It wasnt like I was out shooting the 12 gauge in the middle of the street. This is not a housing plan this is the fuckin country I live on 5 fuckin acres.
End Rant
Oh I might want add they took my rifle so they can investigate to see if it was used in any crimes…wtf
Definitely sucks to hear. Just be glad they didn’t try to cite you with discharging a firearm in residential area…or, worse, call the game warden and cite you under game laws for within 150 yards of a structure. If the game warden shows up, he can basically execute a no-knock non-warrant search and turn your place upside-down.
dont be susprised if the game warden does show up…
do you have a hunting lincese…you can kill ground hogs all year round but gotta be 150yards from structure as stated above…and have a valid pa hunting permit…
Well once I get home on Thursday morning Im going to head up to the magistrate request a hearing. Here is another catch to all this the report was provided by “an anyonumus caller” doesnt the person who reported it have to be there? This is just a disorderly conduct but with me joining the military this could cause me some problems, my ultimate goal is to just get this dismissed. I will keep you all posted.