Gun discharging on your property laws?

Me and a friend of mine got into a little debate, so I figured I’d ask some of the fire arms fans on here.

He’s claiming that it’s fully alright to discharge a gun on your property if you’re “out there”, as there are houses 100 yards away or more in certain areas.

I’m sure there are regulations on distances, where you have to aim etc.

I’m also sure somebody will likely call the cops, which would know the legalities of it.

So what I’m asking, does anybody know the proper setback regulation, and or fines if the setbacks were not met?

i think its 500 feet from a rd , or houses im prolly wrong and should of been arrested for it by now for all the shit i blow up but i figure thats a safe distance

taken from nyfirearms:

It is unlawful to discharge a firearm within five hundred feet from a dwelling house, farm building or farm structure actually occupied or used, school building, school playground, or occupied factory or church.
It is unlawful to willfully discharge any firearm either in a public place, or in any place where there is any person to be endangered thereby.

ahhhhh so i was correct ,whatdoyaknow

what i always wonder is…if a cop showed up at my doorstep/driveway and i happened to have my shotgun with me, what he would do…for all he knows i could be going hunting/cleaning it/going clay shooting/sticking my dick in the barrel

Wow so he may actually have a point.

500 feet isn’t really far at all.

I’m surprised they don’t mention on the direction of the firing, then again it’s rather hard to enforce, unless there is physical proof of damage, but then you got bigger issues than just aiming.

Fair enough.

im pretty sure theres only a law for pointing it at someone, not necessarily a house, but then again what if the person is 500ft away outside their house?

It is a crime to intentionally point or discharge any firearm toward another person (except in self-defense), even if no malice or injury is involved.

we shoot guns at my buddies house all the time. no complaints and we have done it at 3-4am. helps that his closest neighbor enjoys fires and guns.

Well the location in question has a gun range 1/4 mile away from the property, so I’m sure hearing a gun discharge is nothing new in that neighborhood :ponder

Thanks for the help guys.

I’m with Jon on this. If people ever knew about half the shit I’ve launched, fired, or touched off up on the farm they’d go apeshit. No one ever asked about the 80mm “mortar” I built with the 10ft SS barrel and muzzle brake, or the massive model rocket from years past that somehow adapted AI and became a cruise missle after ~30ft of vertical flight and buried itself in a dry clay hillside some 3/4 mile away :rofl

But yeah. I shoot off guns at my place all the time. Law is 500ft from inhabited buildings. Common sense says not to shoot in direction of homes/possible people regardless of range :ponder

:excited:rofl +rep

Consisted of a large propane tank(~100lb) and big old SS schedule 40 barrel with muzzle brake cross drilling at the last ~foot or so. filled with LP gas, chain it to a tree or something large, touched it off via grounded spark plugs inside chamber connected to extension cord. Back wadding used were oil soaked oranges, would put all sorts of shit in it after ramming one of those down the barrel. Full soda cans were the best. Would shoot huge blue flames out the brake holes at night. Loudest noise I’ve ever been near.

Somewhere up here on one of my metal supply racks I still have the barrel. Can make the chamber again with ease :wink:


we should have a “set off explosives and hope we dont die” day when its nicer out :ninja

^ In for that!!!

def in for that

You also need to check your local laws as well. A lot of local towns/cities have rules that don’t allow shooting within the village/city limits, regardless if you are a safe distance or not.

I know If I discharged a gun in EG I’d have the entire squad rolling up in seconds lol.

Now I know who to talk to about building the trebuchet.

Dude we have to hang out more often. I need to step up the game, CRD and I shot a hole in a wheel barrow with a potato with his freakshow 80KV stungun potato cannon and that was nutty.

This was a little while ago in my backyard too.

We def should put our heads together and make something crazy this summer.

Count me in for that one as well. Lol me and Steve used to make bombs out of blackpowder at your place wayyyyyy back in the day. I think we were like 13 and it was for a school video project or something hahaha.