Hunting camp owners, step in

I’m currently looking to buy some land somewhere out in the boons(not Boston :stuck_out_tongue: ) and I’m curious about a few things. The main things I’m looking to do with the property are build a shooting range, possibly build an artificial pond, and eventually build a cabin. We will also be building some trails for riding dirtbikes and quads.

For starters, does anyone know what the restrictions are on discharging weapons on your property? Is there special zoning that you need in order to do this? Certain distances etc? Same question for building artificial ponds? I’ve been searching online, but have found nothing of any assistance. Any input is appreciated.

PS - I understand these are pretty vague questions without stating a town/county, but I was just curious of others experiences before I dive into this whole process, and what I need to be aware of before purchasing.

We have land in Allegany County, town of Belmont. No zoning requirements for any of those things.

I know around here it is typically 500 feet from a house.
Edit: I can’t believe the number of ATVs I see on trailers heading south lately. Catt county will soon be teh ATV capital of the world. lol

All your questions are pretty much town specific. It depends where you buy and how much land etc. of course if you are building a range you need to be far enough away from your neighbors for safety and noise reasons. My best advice is to ask the town before you buy. Thats what I did in Warsaw and I am very happy with my property.

land in scio, no zoning requirements there either.

I appreciate the info fellas. :tup:

Another question…when you buy property with no structure, how would it be listed? Would it be listed as a second home even if there is no structure on it?

My family has property in Wellsville. I love it out there. We just line up and shoot into a huge dirt pile left over from when we dug a well and ran plumbing.

Shit, you’re prob like 10 minutes from us. Shooting meet and then look at JB’s at JB’s?

NY state law:

Discharge of Firearms and Bows

It is illegal to discharge a firearm or bow:

  • so that the load or arrow passes over any part of a public highway,
  • within 500 feet of any school, playground, or an occupied factory or church,
  • within 500 feet of a dwelling, farm building or structure in occupation or use unless you own it, lease it, are an immediate member of the family, an employee, or have the owner’s consent.

You need to use common sense and due caution when shooting. Just because you are 500 feet from the house next door does not mean you can fire a rifle in that direction. If you send a bullet thru something or someone, you are responsible for it in criminal and civil court.

If there is no building on the property it is taxed much less. Once you build or make other improvements, like driveways, power poles, sheds etc. the taxes will increase due to higher value. Same as a home in the city, the more it’s worth, the higher the taxes.

Ugo :tup:

As for ponds…just call and talk to a pond builder. My uncle recently had one built on his land in Friendship. I don’t recall any talk of restrictions/regulations. Mostly just how to best do it for his land as far as spring fed, drainage, overflow, etc.

lots of land by me for sale

there was a large dice run this weekend … they were all over

lol the sad part is that I do not know any of the road names. Just how to get there. Our land used to be some sort of oil field…there is tons of old silos and wood pecker pumps scattered all across the land.

Do you drive by a waterfall about 10-15 min before you get there? That’s by where my place is

The waterfall(s) are probably 15 min out. There is a HUGE pink house in the same area as well…not sure if you have seen that thing…

where at? my dad’s looking to buy

Any idea where??? I thought copper ridge closed??

is the area strictly for residential building? or would a hunting camp work around there?

i miss the salamanca dice runs. those were awesome

Those were awesome i attended every one when they were in existance. It was always awesome to have mercy flight come in to pick up the idiots. It was great when they would route you through the creek

majestic trails is having a dice run May 2nd