Roomate Rant

this is long…but i woke up all pissed off today and need to rant…

My douchebag of a roomate won’t give me money toward the $300+ electric bill that was due Monday, or the $70 cable bill that was also due Monday.
We’ve been splitting everything 50/50 for 2 years…up untill recently…

We had a mini argument about it last night. And I’m talking to him about it again tonight, because even though I’ve been giving him money toward the bills in his name up untill 1 month ago, he hasn’t given me anything this year so far.

I go to school all week, and intern at a design studio 2 days a week, which gives me about $60 a week to live off of and no other income/help. He got fired from Jiffy Lube 3 months ago for being late every day for 3 years, and now, at 28 years old his mommy and daddy are paying ALL his bills, his way through school, and giving him money every week for what he would have made from Jiffy Lube.

And he refuses to give me money for bills. And mind you I was supplying groceries and nessescities(lightbulbs,toiletpaper,detergent,toothpaste etc etc) this whole time. I did however cut him off from all the food in the house Ive bought. So after approaching him yet again last night, he throws in my face that he’s been "doing me a favor by not making me pay him for the gas and internet/phone bills for the past 2 months…"and that he knows I don’t have any money, and that “he doesnt either” so we’re “even”.

Our electric bill is about $351 because with my income, I haven’t been able to pay the entire amount all at once, so it’s been adding up and adding up for months now, and as much as I remind him of that, he never pays me.

So last night after trying to convince him to give me something!anything! that i can put toward the electric bill and cable that he begged me to sign up for a few months ago- he aboslutely believes we’re even since he’s been paying the small gas bill which we only pay towards stove/hotwater, and the phone/internet…which NOBODY EVER uses the phone, which we pay caller ID, call waiting etc etc on so it’s a complete waste, but he refuses to get rid of it.

At one point I said “Well since you think we’re even, what are you going to do when they shut the electricity off? Then where will we stand?”

He replied something along the lines of “Well if you want the internet and phone to get shut off and not have any gas to cook with then well uh…uh fine! Then what will YOU do?”

To which I replied “The phone and internet and stove won’t be of any use anyways once the electricity gets shut off, because we won’t have any damn electricity to run the refidgerator to store the food to cook with the stove! And the cordless phone won’t work without electricity! And the computer wont even turn on to use the internet!!!”

Yet he refused.

So I figure if he wants to play “we’re even” games I should:

  • unscrew every single light bulb in the entire place and just store them away in a secret place for my own use.
  • collect all 5,000 extension cords strung all over the place powering his hundreds of electronic gadgets and gizmos and 4 computers, and 3 phones that nobody uses, mini fridge that’s always stocked with beer even though he’s “sooo broke” etc etc.
  • unhook the cable goin to all 4 tvs except for the one in my bedroom.
  • remove all his food from the fridge, which is powered by my electricity.
  • make sure a switches in the breaker box providing him power are shut off at all times…too bad we dont have the old fashioned fuse boxes…

And god knows he’s not going to shut off the itnernet on his own will…or the hot water, so I win.

Is this reasonable? Because if things go sour tonight, thats my game plan.

Sounds like a better game plan would be to :gtfo: get outta there and get a more relaible roommate.

kick him in the nuts
call cops, claiming he attacked you and you defended yourself
have him evicted
sue him for what he owes
find new roommate

move out

btw is your roof fixed?

Step 1. become a webcam ho
Step 2. Pay bills
Step 3. New Apt
Step 4. Profit??!?

See I can’t move out. I’ve been talking about it for months now. And he knows it. And way last year when I told him I wanted out, he turned into a big whiney baby begging me not to go. And now, with my above stated income/money situation, I can’t move out. And he knows it.
And as stupid as he is, and I wish you all could understand the magnitude of his retardedness, I think waay back in his little pea brain, this is his little ploy to get me not to go. Because if I go, he’s screwed. But this was supposed to be only a temporary thing way back when I moved in 2 years ago. I’m not on a lease. We had no agreement, excpet to split the bills 50/50. And I’ve just been kinda stuck ever since. Which has been a huge benefit to him since his last roomate he got the place with, up and left suddenly, and he couldn’t put electricty or cable or anything else in his name due to outstanding charges by almost every major utility company.

And now the electric bill is in my name, and the bill is $351 and rising. So I can’t move out. How would I get electricty? I can’t afford to pay that off let alone get a new apartment. And that’s why I’m so angry. Because I’m stuck and the situation just keeps going down hill.

move out…I think I saw a few posts on here where people needed new roomates

call the electricity company and explain your situation and set up a payment plan :gotme:

and evict his ass and find a new roomie

set up a payment plan for the bills in your name, shut them off, move…


Yes, it still rains in my house in two locations Howie.

And the loser’s loser girlfriend lives here 6-7 days a week using up all my electricty and using my cable to watch “black television” and Buffy the Vampire-type shows.

My boyfriend suido lives here also. but he gives me almost all his money to put towards rent/other bills etc.

EDIT : BTW I live in Pittsburgh. Make $60 a week. I’m not on the lease so I can’t boot him…

get him evicted…or call his parents and tell them whats up

tell him to turn off the net and phone and then the computer that is prob on all the time will be off and lower electric bill

what was wrong with my cam-ho idea?

Ooh Ooh oh yeah! He put parental controls on the computer yesterday!!! He claimed the computer is his dad’s all of a sudden (which is a lie, AND my roomate is 28 years old! and said his dad doesn’t want bad stuff like porn and gambling on his computer)

So I figure since daddy pays all of his bills/rent for the apartment…the apartment is his dad’s now…so maybe he should know about his precious little 28 year old son fucking/living with his girlfriend, which is a sin…and how he sits around spending daddies money on weed and beer every day. I’m sure daddy wouldn’t approve of the bongs and used condoms laying all over his apartment…

see parental controls.

best idea ever


If tonight goes bad. I’m calling his parents. He always leaves his cell phone laying around, so I’ll get the number tonight.

And since daddy is paying for everything anyways… I’ll let him know how much I’ve spent on groceries and such, and how his son never gave me a dime…and how many times I’ve tried to implement organizational tactics for all the bills, and he never followed through, and how that’s led to him refusing me payments towards anything since January…and that WE ARE NOT EVEN.

Then if daddy wants to get his sons side of the story, and wants to tally up what my roomate thinks I owe him, I’ll give daddy my tally, and we can figure the difference and set up a plan between daddy and I.

Problem solved eh? That sounds like the most reasonable idea so far.

ya just dont be accusing and make sure you come across as the victim…