Roomate Rant

Call the parents, and parental controls ain’t shit.

there you go

if not, try small claims

or just shoot him

He set up two user accounts and put a password on his… I played around with Norton but couldn’t figure out how to turn 'em off.

just hit ctrl alt delete twice at user login screen and type in Adminstrator

no offense, but maybe try getting a real job in the meantime. many many people can do both work and school at the same time. playing stupid games like “this is yours and this is mine” isnt going to work, neither is telling on him. just look for a new roomie, move out, and try to earn a little extra cash. besides, i have no idea what $ 60 / week will allow u to do. i eat about $120 worth of food a week alone… lol

PS: the flyers suck.

“jiffy lube”

nuff said

get out of there.

PS, your bf, he is living there?

uh… where is his income?

yeah. 60 dollars a week is fucking pathetic. get a real job or work more hours. It sucks about your room mate, but taking home 5/hr is only working 12 hours a week… So yeah. I can’t even imagine trying to get by on that… i spend 60 dollars in gas every 3 days!

sucks about the roommate. been there done that if you can remember. but there’s alot of good advice in this thread, so i wont bother repeating any of it. It’ll work itself out.

extremly LARGE male friends over all the time

Oh, I’d say this :

Find another place to live before you call his parents.

extremly large male friends coming over all the time just to steal the little bitches light bulbs and power cords

check out the breaker box, and have someone who knows how to PHYSICLY REMOVE the breaker for the dudes room

when he complains, tell him to buy a wind up alarm clock

Hey don’t judge me because I took a paid internship in the field I’m studying. Which is also garunteeing me a full time position after graduation. If I got another job, that too would only be 2 days a week, min. wage. I make $8 an hour…it just depends on the projects we get at the studio, to determine my paycheck. So same difference…?

And my boyfriend does live here and does help me out as much as he can while still paying his own bills. So I’m managing just fine on my $60, aside from bills My roomate and I are supposed to be splitting. My boyfriend and I just never go out…ever. And eat very very sparringly. And I don’t have a car, so I just walk everywhere or take the bus. And my closet consists of about 5 shirts and two pairs of pants. I’ve been living a minimalistic lifestyle that I’m fine with, for a long time now. But I’ve always made sure I had enough to pay the bills and keep a (leaky) roof over my head at least. I don’t need a fancy car or restaurant food or a social life to sustain myself. So meh… I don’t work a min. wage job 2 days a week…so what.

The problem is here that I’ve been doing just fine until my roomate stopped picthing in his half.
The end.

(pardon any spelling errors Nazis)

I’m telling you how to end your problem…

move out. If you and your boyfriend can afford rent here, then you and your boyfriend can afford rent somewhere else.

but I don’t have any money saved because all I do is pay bills.
we went and looked at apartments recently, which were all half of what we’re paying here…but we can’t afford security deposit or first months rent.

My total this month for rent and to pay/get caught up on bills:

note to self… don’t move in with potheads.

you need to slut up a baller dude with a nice bankroll while your an intern

at least thats what mine did

says I dont have permission…or soemthing along those lines
he has me set up as a restricted account

My boss is hot and drives a lexus and an escalade…and owns his own business…hmmm…to bad he’s married to a hot blonde and has kids…Id feel bad corrupting him.

suck him off, right before he finishes ask for an advance on next years salary ftw