roommates not so new blue teg

so my roommate has been looking for a winter beater for this year because he does not want his prelude on the road in the winter time. Me and him went yesterday to check out an 87 integra that he found on the other forum. Turns out this guy had done a timing belt and said the car ran great and strong(dunno the validity), and said he then brought it in for a new intake manifold and now the car runs like shit. when we went there the car started, sounded like it was starving for a minute then stalled out. We decided to take the car for 200 bucks and tow it home. We towed it around the corner and tried starting it again but battery seemed to be dead. I guess we blew an 85 amp fuse while trying to do that(dont ask me how cause i wouldnt know). And we also found that the battery terminal was busted and not making contact. so we ended up towing it from blesdell back to amherst(our place off of millersport). some guys on ubarf said they saw some ppl(us) towing it on lake ave. im hoping to work on it and get it running again this afternoon. i will update later on…but before i post this, does anyone know the correct settings for idle screws on the intake manifold? i saw some adjustments and im thinking that may be part of the problem, although its possible that i just dont know wat im talking about also. Thanks