Ross twp cop caught growing Marijuana

By your own logic with the tint shop example, if smoking a little dope is illegal, and a crooked cop is one who does something illegal, then the shoe fits.

Unfortunately, socially acceptable and legal aren’t one and the same when it comes to weed. They need to legalize the shit. But then, this douche would’ve not gotten his karma in the manner he did.

I never met this guy, but my mother worked with him.

Anyway… sucks to be a moron.

From the Rick Romero News Files: Cops do dumb shit.

News at 11

so a cop is crooked if he jaywalks or exceeds the speed limit? IMHO a crooked cop is a cop who uses his position of power unlawfully to his own benefit.

they should follow the same rules as they enforce.

And everyone should O"BAY the LAWS!!!

He gave me a speeding ticket. The magistrate was going to knock the points down. He PROTESTED and told the magistrate not to show me leniency because I wouldn’t learn. For 11 over in a Suzuki Reno. Hope he gets rectal cancer.

you can be a shitty cop and not be crooked.

so how come your defending them? was that you that planted the bud in the field?

I think those are called Slugs and counting down retirement.

Who are you and what have you done with Darkstar?

he has always taken that stance from what I remember (Which ain’t much since I am old). Fucking retards used to come on here every week bitching about tint when they knew it was illegal, it got real nnoying. If you do something wrong, expect to get caught.


You are still old and pedo.

Add another to the OOPs list.


I’m not defending the cop. Obviously he shouldn’t have been doing that…

Tint is illegal. Tint is easily visible to police officers. Police officers pull you over for tint. Get mad at police officer. Dumbest logic ever.