Ross twp cop caught growing Marijuana

4 months from retirement… LOL… Anyone that has ever been pulled over or dealt with Officer White can rejoice. “Karma is a bitch”

He wasn’t growing tho, he just happened to notice a plant that looked like it needed watered so he watered it. Sure.

yay double yay… what an asshole


goes to show cops are crooked, some are just more crooked then others

4 months to retirement he was planning one hell of a retirement party

He was an enormous cunt to me, the one time I had to deal with him. What a dumb bastard!

He was also the biggest Tint enforcer in the North Hills…
He pulled over a Pittsburgh Pirate, and two other customers over on their way out of a shop parking lot after getting tint put on (all in the same day) and tried to hassle the window tinter. Until the business owner came out and gave him a bunch of shit, White still wrote the tickets, but never bothered someone in that lot again.

Karma is a bitch, even greater being four months from retirement

POWN3D…so great!

ROFL @ you faggots whining that a cop was doing his job. HOW DARE YOU GIVE ME A TICKET FOR MY ILLEGAL TINT, OFFICER!

soooo the guy was forced to retire 4 months early? ummmm sounds like, besides having a bad reputation now, he came out on top… I fail to see how “karma is a bitch” in this situation…

unless one does not one to have 4 more months of retirement in their life?

It’s one thing to give out tint tickets, it’s another thing to set up shop across from a business giving tickets as the cars are being tinted. that’s a complete dick move

and that is only one example of how he was a prick…

Karma is a bitch - because after however many years of being in service and being a prick he leaves with a tainted record and legal mess to deal with. I don’t know the facts (nor do I care enough to google, and assumption is fine for me here) but aside from his reputation, I think his pension could also be affected

Police then set up a surveillance camera in the area, and when they went to check the footage, they discovered Ross Township Officer Rich White watering the plant, police told Channel 4 Action News.

Kohlhepp said White has since been removed from duty and is no longer employed by the township.

White, a veteran motorcycle cop who was set to retire at the end of the year, told Channel 4 Action News that all he did was water a plant that he saw needed some water.

“I looked at it. I said, ‘Oh, it needs some watering,’ and I did it,” White said.

White told Channel 4 Action News that he regretted the decision a few days later.

“Then I said, nah, tear it out – get rid of it. And that’s what I did,” he said.

When asked later about the incident, White said that he told his supervisor that it was a mistake.

“The chief asked me about it, and I told him, ‘Yeah, I’m sorry,’ and ‘It was a stupid mistake,’” he said.

a Simple Stoner mistake.

WOW, that a pretty big leap right there. I doubt all cops are crooked and I doubt the amount of crooked cops is more than a few percent nationwide. There are assholes in every profession.

I does sound like he was a giant douche though, I have not seen anyone defend him yet.

my boss that loves everyone said he is a douche. she lives in ross and the company she owns is in ross and said she is happy this happened… and also said shit about karma

The only downside could be his replacement. Could be 5x worse or simply this former officer is the king of douchebags.

lol what a douche


youre right, all cops follow the rules to the Tee themselves

“He was fired in 1987-88 I believe it was for a similar incident involving cocaine,” Mark Purcell said.

He was a Ross Township Commissioner when he voted to fire White.

Purcell says White, working off duty, allegedly took a small quantity of cocaine and a driver’s license form a young man. The man was never arrested and the cocaine disappeared.

A civil service board reinstated White after a 45-day suspension

I think thats actually pretty hilarious. No different than a cop busing people walking out of a crackhouse or busting people for DUI after watching drunk retards stumble into their cars outside of a bar.

a cop is not crooked because he smokes a little dope. I wish all cops would smoke, they’d be way more laid back. :bowdown: