Rothlisfucker deal

To be fair the % is a little better on the investment since that figure was only the steelers contribution, although Pitt/WPIAL/other amounts to only a small fraction of the steelers.

Cutty you know there are people on here that will argue to the end that somehow 8-10 steelers home games are better for a business such as a bar/restaurant/hotel than 80 pirates games or 40 Pens games.

Just out of curiosity though, is a portion (presumably a large one) of the Pirates charitable donations free tickets to games? Tickets that when used in attending a game are counted in attendance at the game?

the tickets for kids program is when season ticket holders donate unused tickets to be used by children. that program is part of pirates charities and since they are already paid tickets they count toward Paid attendance. the comminsioneers initiativeis a MLB sponsored program that is league wide… while those tickets count towards attendance are not part of the 1.9 mill paid attendance #.

No, it was character suicide. You’re the one that made the dumb statement, I just called you on it.

Revamp the steel mills :rofl:

I found the info on PBS’s website. Bush taxed the shit out of imported steel for a few years to give the US industries time to catch up to imported steels effiecency. The time frame got cut like 14 months short and I remember hearing that few to none worried about updating themselves, They used the increased sales to line some pockets. (I’m sure for the share holders, not the guy bustin his ass in the mill) Now they are closing down left and right because of the imported steel. I’m not saying right or wrong just throwing some info out there and posting my info with facts.

they can do what they want to imported steel but they already fucked industrial growth in this country with all the enviromental regulations. we dont have the capacity in this country to make steel like we did in WWII.

Interestingly, you made no effort to refute my “dumb statement (s)” like a decent thinking individual. (thinking being the operative word) You chose the way of most Intolerants and attacted the person. That kind of thinking has been known through out history portrayed by such noteable groups as Nazis, KKK, Republican Guard and spousal abusers. Generally because those kind, like you, are insecure, paranoid, perhaps unmedicated bipolar, and unintellegent. Regardless as to how stupid or old (attacking my age is really interesting and pathetic) or what ever you may find me, I trust inreality, you will never amount to much of anything more than what your are now, nothing. You will just going through life attacking those with whom you disagree with or thoes that leave you in the dust or lowest rung of the social ladder, to build your own ego and support your unidimensional thinking. Enough said, you certainly don’t warrant any more of my time.

the Steelers direct payment to the county is only a small portion of what the county makes off of the stadium. Not to mention all of the extra taxes they reap from all of the patrons that come to events. Hotel taxes, drink and food taxes, etc.

Plus, it makes the city much nicer, people that attend functions there will have a better time, etc.

It’s retarded to think that it was a BAD investment. Maybe if the money were invested elsewhere, it would have returned more pure cash, but there is a myriad of other benefits the city and it’s residents enjoy that have no cash value, but should still be acknowledged.

very true… my only point was that the steelers were gonna fill any stadium… did they need a new one…thats debateable… i think yes in way but they just executed it horribly… heinz sucks and they certainly could have made it 10,000 seats bigger. heinz is maybe 1500 bigger than 3rivers was. If you have a waiting list of 20,000 why wouldnt u want a bigger stadium. so far heinz has been noted for poor kicking conditions, poor playing surface, lack of crowd noise, ugly seats, boring facade (sp?) thats what i mean as far as the way they exucuted it. PNC, while has a terrible product inside, has got nothing but rave reviews about the venue itself.

Most NFL stadiums are built undersized to keep demand up as the perception is much better to have a waiting list of 20 thousand for your 65,000 seat stadium than to have empty seats in a 90,000 seat stadium. For instance, the Bills play in a stadium that seats around 74,000 and in the 90’s often times couldn’t fill it. In order to try to fill it they would black out the games locally which obviously wasn’t the greatest for local TV revenue. A full stadium always looks better on TV and will generate better revenues than a large partially empty venue.

who fucking cares?

I will agree with you on that. I was fucking pissed when they announced the capacity. And I think you’re right on the mark with the 10,000 number. I mean there may be logistical things that capped it at 65,000 (parking, traffic, etc.) but if there is no reason besides what HyComp said about keeping the demand up, then I think that’s bullshit. As far as crowd noise, i do admit that I did think that it would be louder in person than what I found it to be (ive only been to 2 games). As far as the design itself, the view from the nosebleeds on the south side of the stadium is amazing. We also sat club level on the North side, and it was still pretty cool. Much better than M&T stadium.

Good Points.