RPM Bridgeville?

Has anyone ever gone down there and ate? I have a co worker who is heading down tonight and asked If I wanted to go due to some kind of bike night.

Anyone esle want to go? I know its last min or if anyone has any other ideas :dunno:

never been there but i heard its good food and alot of hot women

yea heard bikenite also. never been there tho

quik what you doing tonight? want to head down?

i cant ride a wheelie that far. my front wheel is still shot. i need to get a front stand so i can swap rims out. then take rim and tire to a shop to get swapped.

oh shit, I didn’t know it was still fucked up…

it would probably be best to keep both wheels down anyways right now… :smiley:

all I know is I live up the road from it, a racecar sits on the roof and during bike night I see atleast 100 bikes in the lot.

that there is, lots of bikes

It wasn’t actually bad. there were a lot of bikes and they ran out of wings which are free form 5-8.

I just got a burger but it was actually good and piping hot.

Only thing that sucked was last night a harley chapter sponsored it so there was me and one or two other crotch rockets…lol

i had to run out to JJs last night, but i might be able to go next week or something if u guys go (i dont have a bike tho). i live right near there.

im right up the rode let me knoiw

caugh coke bar caugh caugh

i went last year, couple times this year in bike night. usually 95% harleys. ehh.