It's almost riding season

Well It’s Febuary and my 05 R-6 is almost back together. It’s my 1st year I’ve rode again because I wrecked in 05 and income tax is going to allow me to finish up my bike.I need a front fork,front rim,gas tank,and an oil pan (seems like alot but thats just what I need i’ve been rebuilding it since 05 haha) which I’ll be picking up off of ebay in the next 2 weeks at most. So as I was wondering how many people ride on this site?If so where are some popular places to ride at in the Pittsburgh area?

well i prefer riding into walls and garbage can FTL. i just had to dish out 2500 for my ex-friend’s fuckin buell.

Yea I totaled my friends 2001 Honda CBR 600F4i in 05 that sucks but my other friend wrecked the R-6 I have now he gave it to me totaled pretty much.It needed a sub-frame,undertray,brake light,headlights,all fairings(which i’m not replacing I’m riding it naked),upper stay,fork,gas tank,oil pan,front rim,header,and all the cables.The front fork isnt even connected to the bike he ripped it off on impact but I had the frame x-ray’d and i checked for out of round where the fork connects. He hit a car head on at 60 mph because the lady was drunk and parked her car in the middle of the road at the top of a hill. So he sued the shit out of her because he almost died.He had broken collar bones,punctured lung (internal bleeding),he blew his shin bone thru the back of his calf,and a bunch more I cant even remember I know his head built up pressure and he was wearing a helmet but theres more to it. Butr he gave me this R-6 because he went out bought a truck,car and a brand new CBR 1000RR. So I have a total of 650 in this bike and I’ve only bought off Ebay. So I’m pretty excited.

yeah i had internal bleeding, lacerated liver and spleen. but other than that, just cuts, not even stiches. but that intenal stuff is no joke, i had a gazillon CT scans and all kinda tests and shit. the kid next to me in the room wrecked a bike and was all fucked. pretty much the injuries you decribed. i think he wrecked on 22 in murrysville

Uniontown is a good place to ride, infact stay down there.



Hopefully my bike will be sold in the next couple weeks, and then I’ll buy another one once it gets warm.

You going to get a 600 or a liter?

600 probably. :slight_smile: Liter is a bit big still. :slight_smile:

Ill be riding starting friday… high 70s


And yea I was fortunate I was road rashed to hell and back and the only reason they lifeflighted me was because I went into shock and because of the speed I was going.I think it was because it all happened so fast my body couldnt react.

hmm I would have figured you for a size queen :tounge:

I was thinking about riding today, it’s like 42 out!!!

if I can get my bike to start I was gonna go out and roast the rear tire. It wont pass inspection anymore so might as well kill it off.

ooohhh that reminds me that my bike isn’t inspected and needs a tire too. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

ha ha ha ha, so they inspect bikes now??? I didn’t know that… Seriously, that sticker is pretty tough to see on the fork.

I ordered some cosmetic parts to have backups, a new clutch for shits and giggles, a new helmet, new riding jacket, and new racing gauntlets. All i have to do it change the oil after I put in the clutch, and get a new front tire and I’m ready.

Clutch wasn’t shot but since I’m going to have the clutch cover off anyways I might as well change it out.

Do they still have bike nights or meets at QSL or Hooters anymore?

Not riding this weekend…