I’m gonna start this off with my fave, Jeri Lee.
I’m gonna start this off with my fave, Jeri Lee.
im a fan
isnt this OF THE DAY?!@$#!?@
I was assuming this would be a group effort. but it seems no one on son knows of any sessy ladies
I wish I had an asian gf…
I dunno dude, don’t settle. That’s all you gotta know. I find myself giving chicks way too much points just because they’re asian, and after that you find yourself skipping out on car meets, not having enough time to work on your car and chill with your boys, and returning stale cheescake to Tim Hortons like 3-4 times. (I’m gonna keep making that joke, just because Phil was actually there as a witness)
Besides, I’ve seen WAY better chicks than the ones posted here. I even remember Skinny posting a REALLY good one awhile back in a schoolgirl uniform. I think it was in Bing’s forum.
Edit: BAM! Right got her right here, she was hiding in the Stance thread all along.
i dunno. im still about jeri.
Vida Guerra pics;
someone has been lurking the ZT NWS threads…lol… i recognize alot of these pics .
where’s her nipples? did she ask the surgeon to leave them on top so she could still see them? hehehe
You need to register.
^^ tell her to wash my car :roll:
after she washes my sessy body.