Rules for fighting?

There has been a bit of talk at work as to what a “fair fight” consists of. In my honest opinion; If I am going to be in a fight it is pretty much do whatever it takes to get the other person on the ground and unconscious. Im talking gouging eyes, punching, nut shots, pulling hair and ripping out teeth. People tell me thats a dirty fight. But the way I look at it; it’s self defense and survival of the fittest. And I know people are gonna say fighting is lame etc… But shit happens that you sometimes cannot control.


What constitutes a fair fight?

Rules of Boxing

pulling hair?, gouging eyes?

Fight like a fucking man

first off: fighting is dumb.

but for fights in places like chipewa, i don’t think there should be any hair pulling, eye gouging or that shit.

if someone is trying to kill you… go for the balls.

Well if someone is trying to kill you, you kill back.

throw a fuckin jagerbomb at em til they fuckin swim in that shit


There has been a bit of talk at work as to what a “fair fight” consists of. In my honest opinion; If I am going to be in a fight it is pretty much do whatever it takes to get the other person on the ground and unconscious. Im talking gouging eyes, punching, nut shots, pulling hair and ripping out teeth. People tell me thats a dirty fight. But the way I look at it; it’s self defense and survival of the fittest. And I know people are gonna say fighting is lame etc… But shit happens that you sometimes cannot control.


What constitutes a fair fight?


do you have a vagina?

It’s a fight. Not a formal duel.

No such thing as a FAIR fight. Someone has to lose
You do whatever it takes to take your opponent down.

A fair fight guide line should be looked at like a UFC fight.
You can do anything but pull hair, gouging eyes, headbut, and a kick to the groin.
All else is fair. If you feel the need to do those other things then you shouldn’t be fighting in the first place.
Like BuickGN said fight like a man and if that means you get your ass kicked then take it like a man.

Just my 2cents

It’s not highschool anymore. I’m 30 years old with a family. I’m going to do everything I can to avoid the fight in the first place, including running away. If someone is crazy enough to start a fight with me and I’m cornered I’m going to assume they’re crazy enough to kill me.

AKA, that pocket knife I pretty much always have on me… I’m gonna take it out and stab you square in the eye, and then the throat, and then run away. Being there to watch my daughter grow up is a whole lot more important than “being a man” in some stupid fight.

Everything’s fair in a street fight.


Everything’s fair in a street fight.



Do what you have to do to not get :rubicant:

all my fights have been pretty “fair” so far

no weapons, no ball shots, just square up and throw punches / kick out their legs

ive sucker punched (and sucker kicked) people before, but thats a different story, sucker punch went to a wifebeater type … sucker kick went to someone that had earlier lost a fist fight with me and decided he was bad enough to talk shit. he tried to leave the room first when he realized he was screwed and i ran out beind him and kicked his legs out full force

people stop fucking with you after you bounce their head off a marble floor :slight_smile:


Lets turn a simple assault (if even that) into a huge civil lawsuit by digging fingers into someone’s eyes and intentionally destroying their teeth.

Good plan!

If you have to rip someones eyes out in a fight to win, be a fucking man and walk away. It’s probably over something trivial anyway. Real macho!

Or do your best and take an ass beating, it happens. We all get a beating at some point. Don’t make someone blind for the rest of their life over a drunk situation.

Fuck a fair fight.

If someone pulls a knife and you have a gun and a knife, Which do you pull?

Gee, let’s keep this fair and only use the knife…

May I also add fighting is pointless.

im doing whatever it takes for me to get away and get back to my little girl.
even if that means i have to kill you, end of story.

Fighting’s usually pretty gay, but sometimes you gotta throw down. But if you have to gouge someone’s eyes or kick them when they’re on the ground in order to win a fight then you’re basically a pussy.


Being there to watch my daughter grow up is a whole lot more important than “being a man” in some stupid fight.


end of thread

1)real men don’t get into fights

  1. if they have no other choice they fight with their fists, not guns or knives… (see below)

  2. kicking/punching/gouging while your opponent is on the ground is not acceptable for any reason

the problem is that every pussy on the planet has a gun/knife so I say whatever you have to do to get away or beat them unconscious to protect yourself in that situation is acceptable