run in!!

whatsup fellas i was out last night a little bit , made my way thru a parking lot i havnt been there for a while , so i seen some garbage all collected together, they see me wave me over and commence to talk shit u know , i should call so and so with his built turbo this and that of course none are around so im leaving and low and behold there sits a grumbly sounding red supercharged cobra at the light. i only raced one ever and it was at the track, so he talks and we do a parkway pull 3rd gear 3beeps and im out on him like fire had him hard and shut it down about 135ish i thought he was gonna catch me but he didnt. is that anybody on this forum??


be careful with locations…



You stock?

roll racing is gay

roll racing takes real skill!

no im not stock roll racing is not my strength it was just a better location on the freeway than on a main buisness district stoplight

really i gave the cobra an advantage bye giving him a roll, im actually shocked that i pulled that quickly on him. definitly less chance getting nabbed on the parkway than lining up at a light and having an evo and a cobra doing a full out launch , that will catch attention every time

man you can’t get that locations thing tthrough your head can you

here read this

i fixed it fellas my mistake got a little too specific

need to change t70 TSI’s quote because that so says where it was at…

Nice kill man.

Yeah, if you busted his ass from a third roll you would’ve taken him even harder from a stop, so yeah, definitely nice job.

Are you sure the Cobra was supercharged? Only the 03/04 Cobras came from the factory with blowers…

yeah its blown, i actually couldnt believe i walked him on a roll , i dont know if he missed a shift or what i got off at the next exit and he kept going thats kinda why i was wonderin if it was someone frome the forums , just wonder what happend

roll racing is retarded, unless i win :kekegay: