owner of 03/04 cobra

owner of black o3/04 cobra that hangs up miracle mile. cool dudes and nice loud sounding car but sorry guys that snake isnt no match for a F4I.

slowed down to a 30 ish roll. on his mark 3 beeps. well by the time i was in third i didnt see anything. great sport after it was over they both gave the thumbs up.

I Saw That Car Last Night …he Pulled In While I Was There…that Car Sounds Mean Tho For A Mustang

Yeah my car moves pretty good i guess huh

was that you? if so beautiful car man

hah i’m kiddin man

sounds like the kid that espo knows

owner of silver porsche carrea [i think] 0 …f4i 1…roll at 50 to 110 all i did was roll into it in third to redline. result no where to be seen

if it had chrome stock wheels and it was a black kid i know him graduated with him real cool dude his name is anthony

I don’t get why people try to race bikes in a car, especially from a roll.

some cars might have a chance from a dig, but it would take a lot to beat a bike from a roll.

Did anyone read the new Cycle World where a guy got a stock r6 to run a 9.93@135 or something?

Ya It Was The Black Kid Wit Stock Chrome Cobra Rims Wit Some Slicks On Them That I Seen At Miracle Mile That Night

enough with the capital letters already


Capitals are for pronouncing propper names and to start a sentance.

ya i’m well aware what capitals r for…and its like that cuz i’m at work and need them on for the program for work…and i don’t see y it bothers every1 soo much…

becasue it’s annoying, and I don’t like it.

so quit it or i’ll use your lowered s10 as a ramp so I can check under my truck. :slight_smile:

