Run your car with water?

well… the car doesnt run off of JUST water, its another system that boosts the overall efficiency

runs on normal motor as far as i know

When the price of something goes up, so do the amount of scams associated with it. People are so gullible these days.

I played around with the idea, and did a decent amount of research. I’ve gathered that it is somewhat plausible to run a car on “water” (HHO gas). If you figure it out, keep it to yourself, good way to get killed by an oil company.

Do a search on youtube for HHO or hydrogen cells. Interesting but needs improvement to be practical.

Im still confused on how you “burn” water.

by running electricity threw it it brakes up the liquid H2O and you get hydrogen and the Oxigen gas… then you pump that into your intake, it burns…

But as it takes more energy to brake it apart then the burning of the gases make, you would still need to run the car on Gas…

I really dont think the 1-2mpg is worth the effort…

i have the plans for this. someday i will get bored and read it

If you believe this crap you don’t deserve to have a car, much less an internet connection.


Add this to the list of products for fools, along with electric supercharger and tornado fuel saver.

Water electrolysis does not convert 100% of the electrical energy into the chemical energy of hydrogen.

What these things are claiming is thermodynamically impossible. :zong:

If you want to read about something actually interesting about running a car with water google “Bruce Crower’s 6 stroke.” Instead of pissing away heat energy through a radiator he’s converting it to kinetic energy via evaporation and steam expansion.

You can explain that you get less energy than you put in, yet still claim to see gains??? USE YOUR HEAD FOR SOMETHING MORE THAN A HAT RACK!

Google “HHO.” The fact that it isn’t even a real gas, but rather some made up term coined by these scams should tell you something.