HHO watersystem

Well I have been seeing these set ups online about how you can get better gas mileage when you run the steam water system with your regular gas system. My friend just installed the system into his ford ranger and its awesome. I will have to post up some pictures of the system.

for references, just one of the many on youtube:

Yup, I am building one. I will post pics and before and after MPG. Should be up soon. I went to Home Depot yesterday for parts.

Who knows how to trick a Honda Map to run lean?

unplug a vacuum line to give it a small leak?

Wouldn’t it run richer then?

looks pretty hack / mad-scientist / shade-tree mechanic to me (and even the video’s poster says it wasn’t real-world gains if you read the comments)

I’ll wait for this:


Same idea, turn wasted energy (heat) into power via steam expansion. Only crower does it via an extra up/down of the piston.

link to a how to page??

there alot of stuff out there for it, i don’t know how much (if any) is legit. I have not tried any of them, but here’s stuff i was looking thru b4:




apparently its tax deductible?


↑ Search Power Tube on youtube. That is the one I am making

i have also looked at many sites but they all want you to buy a book or something … is there somthing out there for free that will show me how to…

is this it? ican’t view it at work 2 c if the one your talking aobut, but i have seen that one b4… i think you can buy the power tube on ebay rather cheap

Look here http://www.youtube.com/user/ThePowerTube

He has 9 videos, watch them all.

Not sure what that is.

hhmm… i’ll view when i get home from work. i have a saturn for a test vehicle if someone wants to get this going… averages 30mpg as of now.

i want to do it on my 95 civic

There was a video on youtube of a saturn with the system, he was getting around 30 and then with the system he was getting 48 or something.

well if u do start the project lmk i’d like to stop out and check it out.

I still need to see one of these in person before I will believe the results.
