Run your car on water and gas and save money, this guy has a SR20 with the HH20.
He get’s 41MPG and probably has the lowest HP SR20.
Good mileage and good performance just don’t mix.
the maker said "Oh did I mention the increase power and quicker turbo spooling when driving for sport? "
look how bright the flame are when the gas is put into the water. Look at this!!
ive been researching hho for a few months now. It is possible to supplement your gas usage with hho. but a lot of cars dont respond well to it. you have to trick the ecu into thinking is running richer than it really is to get the most out of it. fairly easy to build, but takes longer to tweak it to maximum efficiency. im planning on installing this on my f-150 to see how well it works. is the best website ive found for info.