I worked on Detroits but it was years ago not. I remember the rack now that you say it. I knew the cam didn’t control fueling… I want a Detroit firetruck bad!
Youre my new best friend. Where the hell did you work on detroits? I didnt think you were that old.
Haha… Good old armed forces my friend. We still had many 2 stroke detroits kickin around between old fire engines to the huge osh kosh runway snow blowers that had a 6V92 to power the snow blower and a 6-71 to actually propel the truck
But ours were green
I also worked on old Cummins, Cats, International, Multi fuel Continental, and Pratt & Whitney, ect…
as well as many gasoline engines
One of the guys at my job had a Detroit S50 run away on him after replacing a blowen turbo. He never cleaned out the filled up IC. Fired it up and never came back.
i love old osh kosh trucks, so pissed off looking
Back on the homepage i saw the thread title and i knew it was a detroit thread made by wayne, lol
im waiting for Wayne Inc. to start over the road hauling every dinosaur from cali to NY…:ponder
cmon you know he cant drive a big rig :rofl
He should learn so he’s better at overcompensating for ‘other’ things…
Do you have any connections to anyone in the shop still? I need some information and some leads. pm me.
you sumbitch. I know that you know me better than that.
I’m the king of overcompensation and the chancellor of inappropriate.
rofl:rofl that was gold.
BUMP. :rofl
Unfortunately no. It has been nearly 10 years since I was in…
i thought this one was cool: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AG1MnXkHhlM[/ame]
Back in NY when i had my international i coulda let you rip around south troy, haha. I edven had an old tanker trailer too.
Hey woody I found more of that guys vids of trying to kill that Detroit… in this video it runs away for 6 minutes of ungoverned unlimited RPM. NEVER DIES.
Old Jimmy’s don’t die, the owners run out of money and time to feed them oil.