I just read through the WRX thread and it got me thinking about junk. Since I’m like Shift’s #1 junk collector I figured I’d post a couple videos showing how insanely badass and bulletproof these are…

That second video is nuts, they must of sprayed a whole can in the damn intake :lol

i like that they just run for their lives and the old dude’s like meh.

That motor sounded like it was reving to 6k :lol

i’m sure it was. governor has no control if the rack is stuck!!


I hope he beats those kids for being pussies.

sounded awesome!

old dude is a BOSS!

Here is one Bowman knows all about! blew the BLOCK in half!

HOLY FUCK now thats a run away!!!

:rofl 2nd one at Coby FERP Pretty sad I knew that before I saw the title :facepalm

did the guy stuff a hat into the turbo intake in the first vid?

I had an International DT466 runaway on me. It blew the turbo and started running on it’s own motor oil. I was driving it down the road when it lost power and started smoking like Hell. Pulled to the side of the road and ended up shoving an old pillow case that I had as a rag in to the intake. Sucked it right out of my hand like in the video. A couple of minutes later the local fire dept showed up…Someone called them because of all the smoke!

That 4-71 never let go. I’m willing to bet it just blew the airbox covers off from the ether. That thing will fire back up. guaranteed.

Holy fucking pollution.

I haven’t had any run away on me yet so I’m overdue. Was close with one of my tdis but i was paying attention when the turbo blew and shut it down right away.

didn’t you know? every Detroit comes with a plaque that says “Fuck the EPA”

No it doesn’t

Fucking red Kenworth on I90 this morning smoking out literally the entire highway. 4 ways on. Had to have let go of a turbo I can’t believe the fucking thing didn’t run away right in front of me. I was waiting for it but was let down.

i dont own diesels

I had a cat run away once because the door was accidentally left open

We found it 15 minutes later under a car in the driveway

what makes them run away?