so, as some of you know i had the s14 parked for the past week or so, and got to finishing the install on the power fc today, converted from maf to map, and installed my new fpr.
fire the car up, starts on the first try, idling great…let it warm up etc, back out the driveway, start to drive down the street…notice its not really wanting to get into boost at all, so i limp it around the block with the flashers on, no harm done right?
pop the hood, blip the throttle and notice a sound coming from the intake area… pull the intake pipe off, and what do i see? a piece of paper towel that the turbo was trying to suck in, the same paper towel that i had put in the intake pipe when i removed the maf last week to sell it… and ultimately, the same piece of paper towel which has now killed my turbo… took it for another drive, drove as it should (didn’t get into boost, maybe one psi), pop the hood…hello oil from the bov pull off the intercooler pipe, yep…oil everywhere. fuck me
and your right, i try to be safe about it, and it ends up fucking me anyways. thats my luck, i’ve learned that by now. this is probably the last straw, expect the car to be for sale soon and i’m taking a break from cars for a long time…
wow dude that sucks sorry to hear that. i use blue tape on the end of the pipe. that way its super noticeable lol. but i can see why you were being cautious with getting something in there. dont sell it
you really can’t be this upset about it though…sure it sucks, but at least it wasn’t like a rotary just blowing on it’s own, for no reason at all, even after being built and cautious ya know?
Jay If you would like help I’ll all for it. I’m awesome at standing around with my hands in my pockets, pointing, and yelling about tools being in the engine bay or on the car (terrible habit… looks at paulo)