Russia passes bill making it a crime to talk to kids about gay people

Oh motherland…

The Russian parliament has unanimously passed a bill that makes it a crime to promote “homosexual propaganda” to minors — legislation that basically means it’s illegal to tell children about gay people, to say that gay relationships are equal to heterosexual ones, or to “[suggest] that this behavior is attractive.” If Russian citizens are caught breaking the law, they will face fines, while foreigners could be jailed for up to 15 days and deported. The problem (or one of the many, many problems) is that no one is sure how to define “homosexual propaganda.” According to one vocal Communist group, Elton John’s costumes fit into that category, so he’d better pack bail money before his July concert in Krasnodar


Russia is still a communist country right? Then nothing to see here, move along.

About time russia did something about all the gays, it’s getting out of control

Can’t stand the fags over there.

Just read a statistic the other day… 90 percent of Russia’s population is gay… No wonder they passed this. I expected more from communism.

black people dont exist in Russia either

Keep in mind 72% of statistics are made up.

I’m gonna need you to fact check that please

60% of the time it works every time.


Russian man reveals he is a homosexual to friends, Friends then beat him, shove beer bottles in his anus, try to set him on fire. Then they crushed his head with a heavy stone.

Seams legit , maybe lessening the amount kids here about gay bullshit they won’t all of a sudden be like I was born this way … Fuck em

Said by the guy who puts his nipples, balls, dick, and ass against vehicles and takes pictures. :rofl

Or it will just prove exactly that they were born that way when they realize there are still gay people 15-20 yrs from now.

I know. at least its not in that 72%. wheewww!

Yeah true , but no pix of me me sucking a dick or taking one though ! I have fun and all but no gay actions are real …

OP must be pretty conflicted on this one.

The truth will set you freeeeee