Russian Chicks, Vlads Dick & Ilya

Dude, it’s IMPOSSIBLE. I don’t know how the guys back in 200 BC did it or whatever, but it’s impossible. Any guy who says it’s possible is lying to you. A lot of things are left up to interpretation. Thus, believing in God is more of a relationship (individually) than a ‘cult’…if you go to church just to go to church, that’s where you’re ‘doin it wrong’. It’s not about rules, it’s about a relationship so to speak. Some people go to church all the time, some don’t. Some do this, some don’t. My parents are anti-TV/movies cause of the, admitted, filth that’s in them (I’ve caught my nephew watching some weird ass cartoons on TV). I on the other hand, watch TV all the time :rofl.

Romans 7 says “All things are permitted, but not all things are profitable.” That’s where interpretation comes into play. You will answer for your interpretation just like the next guy.

Okay guys, can we stop with religion now? I can’t help but answer because some of you have some really messed up thoughts about it…but this is going WAY off topic.