Russian SWAT does not mess around.

Holy shit.

Found on

wtf was that charge?

did that dude die? :rofl

WTF was that? A boom stick? :lol

Paging Vlad.

holy shit is right - what the fuck is that stick the crazy dude smacks on the bus?
Some srs detonation/moving parts upon explosion…how could he not get killed is beyond me

Boomstick I think.

Wow, whatever the hell he swung at it blew him like 15 feet away. Awesome vid.

My name is Vlad and I approve this message.


The title of the video is “Nano Stick something”…never heard of such a thing but that’s fricken cool

I’ve been trying to read some of the replies and most of the guys on there are just as confused and awe-inspired as we are.

It almost seems to me as they essentially used a lacrosse stick with a grenade in it instead of a ball to lob it in there quick through the window.

No you kids that was indeed a bomb/fuel tank explosion. Freeze frame around 13s, you will see the beginning of the explosion from under/in the rear of that shitbox.

The concussion effect of that explosion likely fucked him up hardcore, never mind the fact the bus was opened up like a sardine can + shrapnel.

Them dudes off to the gulag for certain.

Holy SHIT. That fucking stick thing was crazy!

their is a loop at the end of the stick… looks to be a hand grenade in the loop… i’ll put money that says he as supposed to drop it in the bus and run, but that one was built with a shirt fuse

i lol’ed at some of the comments on the youtube page…calling him a pool noodle bomber hahaha.

Vlad decifer for us!

can’t you see where he lands though? Looks like he gets sent 15 feet then gets up and walks away. ???

is that a training thing? whats with all the guys in the background standing around with shields?

I think it was training.

It was - there are dudes behind the bus just unloading their AK’s into the air lol. There is constant shooting the whole vid., and every body recovered from the bus was alive.

Who knows what happened to the boomstick operator.

You can see him at like :22 scratching his noggin on the ground right next to the bus :rofl