Rusty cars and less track time? That's ok because....

i rather not deal with these bad boys

Shit is scary, but the writing is fucking funny. Thank god those things aren’t here.

that is some pretty fucked up shit … the one thing that scared me the most would have 2 be the blot fly … shit that is fucked …

that is so damn scary
and it makes it seem like your positively gonna get attacked.

yeah that’s all scary and shit…

but ummm… check out this sweet CRX

wow more pics please

^ We need to find a way to fit that CRX in the banner somewhere…

LOL! what a way 2 jack a thread … btw nice crx … some more pics would be sweet!!
this ant looks freaking crazy
with its little blind eyes.

wasnt there a thread a while back with pictures of this very crx. and yea i hate bee’s or anything like them i had some dangerous looking bee’s around my house fuk they stung me this summer like 3 times and then i got pissed and killed every one of them one by one with break cleaner its like poisinous to them lol they jsut like freeze up. i think im ust have killed atleast 30 bee’s or watevery they were they looked like some fuked up bees.

ahahahah bing you kill me.

I hate that car with a passion since the owner is a douche.

Oh god the bot fly in the brain, ftl!

^^ damn right

this is how people will end up if they keep posting dumb shit on the boards!

^^ bot flies, ftw.