Rusty Is No More :(

Pretty sure he’s just making up acronyms and numbers. We’ve already established he stunts in a CTS-V with a chopped roof.

Oh lol, that’s bullshit he’s making fun of your camero though. We should drag him down to your trailer park and show him who’s the boss.

All of this, over some fucking car from butthole TN. Who gives a shit that he lit it on fire/it caught on fire. Fucking christ.

It was a nice car. Did he burn it? Hell i dont know but if he did thats a real shitty way to make a grand lol.

HA, I used a comma incorrectly, at least I didn’t spell potato “patato” like captain know it all did earlier.

I will answer your PM better tomorrow… but for now, I might be able to do it, I need pics of the parts first to see how much of a PIA it will be. dont want to bite off more than I can chew!

And here is what i dug up real quick. lol 3"X6" long aluminum tube, stuffed a air chuck on one end, and drilled a hole the size of a spark plug in the other end. Ill attach an air hose to the thing, put in about I dont know 1/4 the way full of gas, I mean that slug is about the size of a car cylinder, and at TDC, the combustion chamber might be about 160CC or so? I think 1/4 full is actually more than enough gas! Plant it on the ground in my fire pit. and at the other end of the air hose ill just jamb it into the compressor at 100psi and let it shoot the fuel out!

Now all I need is an spark source. Hummm, battery powered grill ignitor? Yeah you know the ones that when you press the button, they go zap zap zap liek 5 times a sec to fire up the grill! Yeah ill just duct-tape it allways on so its zapping away there! THEN even if it ignites, ill put try it again with a gas can near by too! lol

someone call the FJ fire dept! :rofl

God i wish i was home to watch this lol

Am I the only one in this thread that couldn’t care less about the car going up in flames nor how/why it started? I think everyone here has faced hardships with their vehicles at times, and how many get sympathy from a bunch of followers who they’ve never even met? None? Oh, ok. Travis was an exception, and we ALL learned from that scumbag trailer trash.

Cool car in some instances, but not my style at all. Good luck to his future projects and outcome of all of this.

KK you will need to get an injector to fire at a battery to see if it will short and ignite.

LOL so let me get the story straight. You buddy “rusty” poured a line of gas, from inside the garage, out the door, down the driveway, to the experiemental engine with aparently shotty wiring and a dumbass at the controlls… walked back to the gas can inside the garage and placed it at the end of his trail’O’gas? :rofl Very convincing!

Nope I wont. And sorry i spelled Potato wrongeee… my mystake.

Lets not get crazy here. :rofl I have a few stock VW injectors i can short out on an old battery if you want. lol

I can’t wait till this cunt n1gg3r dies because he is trying to prove someone on the internet wrong.

^ And thread just blew the fuck up.

fuck my $560 charbroil grill’s ignition system is a little more complicated than I thought. the button is hooked to a capacitor block and splits off to the 5 spark plugs. Fuck taking that apart just to disprove this retard. lol

any other ideas for a simple spark source? I wish i had a little RC car electric motor, I could wire that to run and shoot the gas right at the brushes! But I am too cool apparently and only run nitro rc’s. :frowning:

LOL stupid you internet troll. I will be standing 50 feet (how long my air hose is) away from the experiment, in my side lot with noting but 2 acres of wet, spring grass. Even if it goes up, Ill leave a lil burn patch!

See that’s the difference between normal idiots and idiots like me… i think my stupidity through prior to engagement. :rofl

BTW rusty hero, Cunt n!gger will get you ban’d here. VLAD please dont ban him yet, I havnt had my fun yet.

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl i can’t believe this thread is really happening.

Takes a lot of work and effort to make a car run 11’s. Especially if it wasn’t purchased with the ability to do so pending driver capabilities. Should maybe learn what you’re talking shit about before you run your mouth and look like a moron.

So because someone enjoys a certain thing outside of what you think is “cool” or whatever its fucking retarded? A lot of cars that can run the the quater mile well can also run road courses pretty well also. So once again, Proving youre an ignorant fucking jerk off. Go troll somewhere else with your friend and his shit box burned out ugly bimmer.

domestic buddiesss

Didn’t teach you the word banned in school n1gg3rfaggot?

Mike is good friend of mine (in REAL LIFE lol) and I have driven the car before and dragged it down the strip at H20. I appreciate the car to it’s fullest, not to mention friends are usually sympathetic to one another when shitty things happen. This is why I care. I’m not sure why you guys care so much but calling me out for giving a shit is immature.

And KrazyKid chill out man. Everything I said was honest. If you ever met Mike and talked to him about his car you would feel stupid believing what you do. He is more of a car enthusiat than anyone I know. Stop looking at everything under a microscope and just be a decent fellow car enthusiast and wish him the best. He’s not benefiting at all from this.

The Camaro comment was stupid. That’s not the mentality of StanceWorks. We appreciate all cars and I actually happen to dig those gen lt1 camaros.