RWD DD for winter?

get GOOD tires and rwd is way way way better… plus you wont ever stay in on snowy nights.

learning to drive rwd in slippery conditions will make you such a better driver.

heck, last week i was driving in bad weather and i dont have great tires on my 240 beater, i took my eyes off the road to put a pair of gloves on for just a second and i ended up at a 45 degree angle at 50kph on a street with ditches on both sides… i freaked the hell out of a dude in oncoming traffic in a BELL service truck…

however… a couple flicks of the wheel and throttle and a few more fishtails later just so i could enjoy it and i was back on my way.

if i hadnt had so much experience or if i was in a fwd car i would have ditched it and be looking for a new beater right now… i would have been late for work too.